97. Roadway conveyors.

1.    Every roadway conveyor shall be so installed that –

a.     between the conveyor and one side of the roadway, there is a travelling space free from obstruction not less than one meter wide;

b.    the conveyor or any part thereof does not scrape against wooden props or supports;

c.     the anchoring of the return station of the conveyor is independent of the face or roadway support;

d.    in case a number of belt conveyors are used in series, safety fittings such as sequential control and sequential interlock shall be provided; and

e.     it can be stopped from any place along the entire length of the conveyor by providing pull cord switches or any other suitable system.

f.      Where the inclination of the conveyor is such as to give rise to danger from sliding objects or material, suitable device shall be used to provide adequate protection against such danger.

2.    On every length of roadway in which a conveyor is installed for transporting loads over a distance exceeding 30 meters, there shall be provided and maintained effective means of transmitting signals from every point on the length of the roadway to the place at which the machinery working the conveyor is operated:

Provided that the Regional Inspector may, by an order in writing, require means of transmitting signals in the reverse direction also.

3.    The conveyor operator and the cabin or place from where the conveyor is operated shall be provided with an effective means of telecommunication along with broadcasting facilities through which the operator can communicate to any person present in the conveyor roadway at any place of the installation and such system of telecommunication shall have facilities of both way communications.

4.    Audio-visual pre-start warning alarm shall also be provided in the entire length of the roadway conveyor so as to warn persons of imminent dangers due to starting of the belt conveyor.  

5.    The manager shall formulate a code of practice for safe installation, operation, maintenance and use of belt conveyor belowground including extension of belt conveyor and shifting it from one place in the mine to another and submit the same to the Regional Inspector at least thirty days before the commencement of the installation of the belt conveyor belowground; and the Regional Inspector may, at any time by an order in writing, require such modifications in the code of practice as he may think fit in the interest of safety. 

6.    In case the belt conveyor is intended for the purpose of man-riding, the manager shall formulate a separate code of practice for safe installation, operation, maintenance and use of the belt conveyor for the said purpose in a specified location in the mine and shall submit the same to the Chief Inspector at least ninety days before the commencement of the installation of the said belt conveyor seeking permission for the said use:

Provided that no such system shall be put in use except with the permission in writing and in accordance with such conditions as the Chief Inspector may specify therein. 

7.    The Chief Inspector may at any time by an order in writing modify or revoke the permission granted under the proviso to sub-regulation (7) as he may think fit in the interest of safety of persons using the same.

8.    The manager and engineer shall both be responsible for implementation of the code of practice.

9.    Adequate arrangement shall be provided in the belt conveyor to ensure that it gets automatically stopped, -

a.     in case of excessive friction between the belt and the drum, roller, scrapper, deflectors, guides or any other obstruction caused either due to spillage or otherwise;

b.    in case of breakage of the belt; and

c.     in case of fire or heating in the belt conveyor or in the vicinity thereof.

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