94. Tubs and their movement.

1.    On every tub there shall be provided and maintained at each coupling end a strong buffer projecting beyond the end and so arranged that when two such tubs are in tandem, the gap between the innermost ends shall not be less than 20 centimeters.

2.    On every side-tipping tub in use, safety-catches shall be provided to prevent accidental tipping and no tub or set or train of tubs shall be set in motion unless all the safety catches are properly secured.

3.    The attachment between a rope or locomotive and a tub or set or train of tubs and the attachment between any two tubs in a set or train, shall be of a type approved in writing by the Chief Inspector by a general or special order and so maintained as to obviate accidental disconnection.

4.    The state of every buffer and drawbar of every tub in use and of every safety-catch, coupling-chain and other attachment shall be examined once at least in every fourteen days, by a competent person appointed for the purpose and a report of every such examination shall be recorded in a bound paged book kept for the purpose, which shall be signed and dated by the person who made the examination.

5.    Each component of coupling shall have factor of safety of not less than seven in relation to maximum static load which shall be ensured by testing at an interval not exceeding three years and record thereof shall be maintained.

6.    When tubs are about to be moved, persons likely to be endangered shall be warned.

7.    Two or more tubs shall not be moved by hand in close succession but shall be coupled and moved together: 

Provided that two tubs shall be deemed to be in close succession when the distance between them at any time is less than 10 meters.

8.    No person shall cause or permit a tub to run uncontrolled except with the written permission of the manager:

Provided that the Regional Inspector may, by an order in writing, prohibit the uncontrolled movement of tubs at any place if he is of the opinion that such movement is likely to cause danger.

9.    No person while taking a tub down a gradient exceeding one in twenty, shall go in front of the tub; and in every case where conditions are such that a person is not in a position to control the tub from behind, he shall not take the tub down unless sprags or other suitable contrivances are used to control it.

10. Where required for use, a sufficient number of sprags of suitable material and dimensions shall be provided.

11. Every tub while standing on a track having a gradient of more than one in twenty shall unless held effectively by brakes or securely coupled to a haulage rope or locomotive, be effectively blocked, chained or otherwise secured.

12. Except where haulage is effected by means of an endless rope, the coupling and uncoupling of tubs shall, as far as practicable, be done only when the tub or set of the tubs, and the rope if connected to the set, is not in motion.

13. As far as practicable, tubs shall not be coupled or uncoupled on a gradient.

14. No person shall ride on any tub or haulage rope. 

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