93. Travelling roadways

1.    Except when an exemption in writing has been granted by the Regional Inspector and subject to the conditions as he may specify therein, travelling roadways in the intake airways separate from haulage roadways on which haulage is effected by mechanical means or gravity, shall be provided for persons to travel to and from their working places. 

2.    Every travelling roadway shall –

a.     be not less than 1.8 meters high for the entire stretch;

b.    where the inclination exceeds 30 degrees from the horizontal, be provided with suitable steps or ladders;

c.     where the inclination exceeds 45 degrees from the horizontal, be provided, in addition to steps or ladders, with hand rails or ropes so as to ensure safe travel;

d.    where the inclination exceeds 60 degrees from the horizontal, be provided, in addition to the steps or ladders and rails or ropes, with suitable platforms at intervals not exceeding 10 meters measured along the slope;

e.     be provided with effective means of telecommunication facilities at suitable places; and

f.      be provided with adequate number of digital display boards and communication ports through which any important message or information can be easily transmitted or broadcasted to persons working belowground or passing thereby.

3.    Except for purposes of inspection, examination or repair, every person other than an official or a haulage attendant shall travel by the travelling roadway.

4.    Where persons using a travelling, roadway have to cross a conveyor or a haulage worked by mechanical means or gravity, a suitable cross-over or cross-under bridge or other suitable device approved in writing by the Regional Inspector shall be provided.

5.    Where a conveyor roadway is required to be used as a travelling roadway, suitable guards or fencing of substantial construction shall be provided throughout such length of the conveyor roadway, which is intended to be used as travelling roadway.

6.    In case the travelling distance from the incline or adit mouth or pit bottom exceeds one kilometer or the travelling is arduous, the owner, agent and manager shall provide suitable man-riding arrangement as approved by the Chief Inspector, within one year from the date of coming into force of these regulations.

7.    No haulage shall be used for the general conveyance of persons except with the permission in writing of the Chief Inspector and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein.

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