92. Haulage roadways.

1)    The provisions of sub-regulation (2) to sub-regulation (20) shall apply with respect to every length of road or roadway in a mine where materials are transported in tubs by means of gravity or mechanical power.

2)    Every such roadway shall- 

a)    be of adequate dimensions and, as far as practicable, shall be straight and of regular gradient; and

b)    have tracks properly laid with rails of adequate section. 


a)    Pulleys, sheaves and rollers that alter the direction of a rope shall be securely fixed. 

b)    No person shall guide or adjust a moving rope on to a drum, pulley, sheave or roller except with a lever or other proper appliance.

4)    Where haulage is effected by one or more ropes, there shall be provided and maintained -

a)    at the top of every inclined plane, at least one stop-block or other effective contrivance to arrest tubs from running or moving out of control; and

b)    at least one run away switch or other effective contrivance below the first stop-block or other effective contrivance at a distance greater than the length of a set or train of tubs:

Provided that such distance shall not exceed the length of a set or train of tubs by more than 10 meters:

Provided further that where the Regional Inspector, by an order in writing so requires, the stop block and the runaway switch or other effective contrivance aforesaid shall be so inter-coupled that they do not remain simultaneously ineffective.

c)    an attachment, behind an ascending tub or set or train of tubs, a back-stay, drag or other suitable contrivance for preventing the tub, set or train of tubs running back: 

Provided that where an endless rope or chain is used, the provisions of this clause shall be deemed to be satisfied if suitable automatic catches or other effective contrivances are provided at suitable intervals along the track to prevent the ascending tubs running back:

Provided further that the Regional Inspector may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, grant exemption from the operation of this clause on grounds that compliance with the provisions thereof are not reasonably practicable;

d)    safety hooks, jazz-rails or other suitable contrivances to prevent runaway in the forward direction;

e)    tub re-railers at intervals of not more than 250 meters: 

Provided that where a tub is re-railed manually, it shall either be detached from the rope or ropes or the haulage engine which works the ropes shall be stopped; and

f)     on every haulage roadway exceeding thirty meters in length, effective means of transmitting signals by mechanical or electrical means, from every stopping place on the roadway to the place at which the machinery working the rope is operated:

Provided that the Regional Inspector may, by an order in writing, require means of transmitting signals in the reverse direction also; 

g)    if any doubt arises as to whether any means of transmitting signals under clause (f) is effective or not, it shall be referred to the Chief Inspector for decision.

5)    The following code of signals shall be used and strictly observed, namely: –

  • ONE RAP - STOP [when in motion]
  • TWO RAPS - LOWER [or haul in slowly]
  • THREE RAPS - START [when at rest]
  • FOUR RAPS - RAISE [or haul out slowly]:

Provided that any other signals shall be in addition to, and shall not interfere with the foregoing.

6)    A printed copy of the code of signals under sub-regulation (5) including additional signals, if any, shall be posted prominently at the place in which the machinery that works the rope is operated and at all regular stopping places along the roadway.

7)    No person other than a competent person or an official shall give any signal.

8)    Where in any mine belowground, a system of haulage roadways (and conveyors, if any) extends to a distance of more than 300 meters from the shaft or the entrance to the mine, efficient telephonic communication shall be provided and maintained between the end of every such system and the bottom and top of the shaft or the entrance to the mine, as the case may be:

Provided that where travelling is unduly arduous, the Regional Inspector may, by an order in writing, require the provision and maintenance of telephonic communication in any other case also.

9)    Where telephones or electrical signals are provided, -

a)    adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent signal and telephone wires coming into contact with other cables and electrical apparatus;

b)    signal wires shall be supported on insulators, and shall not be energized at more than thirty volts;

c)    contact makers shall be so constructed as to prevent accidental closing of the circuit; and

d)    in every gassy seam of the second or third degree, all signaling or telephonic communication circuits shall be constructed, installed, protected, operated and maintained in such a manner as to be intrinsically safe.

10)  At places where telephone receivers are installed or where signals and safety contrivances are regularly operated, every person using the telephone or operating any such signal or safety contrivance shall be afforded adequate protection against tubs moving out of control.

11)  Where any person is allowed to work or pass while the haulage is in motion, manholes for refuge shall be provided at intervals of not more than ten meters:

Provided that where the gradient is less than one in six, such manholes may be provided at intervals of not more than twenty meters.

12)  Manholes shall be not less than 1.8 meters in height and 1.2 meters in depth, and not less than 0.75 meters but not more than one meter in width:

Provided that where the roadway is less than 1.8 meters in height, the manholes may be made to the full height of the roadway:

Provided further that the Regional Inspector may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, permit the use as manholes of cross-roadways other than haulage roadways, of dimensions larger than those aforesaid.

13)  Where there are serious practical difficulties in providing manholes of the interval and the dimension specified in sub-regulations (11) and (12), the Regional Inspector may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, permit manholes to be at greater intervals or of other dimensions.

14)  Every manhole shall be kept clean and clear of obstruction, and white washed both inside and for a distance of not less than 0.3 meter around the aperture.

15)  As far as practicable, all manholes shall be provided on one side of the haulage roadway.

16)  Except where haulage is effected by means of an endless rope or chain, whenever the haulage rope is in motion, every person on the haulage roadway shall take shelter in a manhole.

17)  The manager shall, by an order in writing, in respect of every haulage road or roadway, fix the maximum number of loaded or empty tubs to be coupled together to run as a set or train and a notice specifying the number of tubs so fixed shall be posted prominently at the top and at all regular stopping places of the haulage road or roadway.

18)  At all places where tubs are coupled or uncoupled, there shall be a clear space of not less than one meter –

a)    between, the tubs and one side of the roadway; and

b)    where there are two or more tracks also between the adjacent tracks.

19)  When any roadway or face is in direct line with a haulage track and persons may be exposed to danger from runaway tubs, a strong buffer or other effective contrivance to prevent such danger shall be provided and maintained.

20)  A stop-block or other effective contrivance shall be provided near the entrance of every tramming roadway branching off the main haulage road or roadway, and on every track which slopes towards a shaft.

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