89. Gates and fences.

1)    At the top of every shaft and at every inset which is in use, there shall be provided suitable gates or fences which shall effectively close the openings into the shaft at all times when a cage or other means of conveyance is not at the top or the inset. Every such gate at the top of a shaft shall be self-operating. 


a)        At every landing where it is necessary for persons to pass from one side of the shaft to the other, an adequate bypass shall be provided for enabling them to do so without entering or crossing the shaft and every bypass so provided shall be not less than 1.8 meters high and 1.2 meters wide, which shall be kept clear of all obstructions.

b)       No person shall enter or cross, or be permitted to enter or cross the exposed space at the bottom of any working shaft except for the purpose of entering or leaving a cage or other means of conveyance or for undertaking an examination, repair or any other work therein; and no person shall be allowed to work in any such space unless the cages or other means of conveyance, if any, have been stopped and adequate precautions have been taken for the protection of such person.

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