88. Examination of winding equipment.

1)    It shall be the duty of the engineer or other competent person to examine – 

a)    once at least in every twenty-four hours, –

                                    i.     the attachment of the winding rope to the drum, the depth indicator, every part of the suspension gear in the shaft, including cages or other means of conveyance and their gates, and every external part of the winding apparatus, upon the proper working of which the safety of persons depends; and

                                  ii.     the brakes of the winding engines;

b)    once at least in every seven days, –

                                    i.          each winding rope by passing the rope at a speed not exceeding one meter per second; and 

                                  ii.          the external parts of the winding engine, the guides and the signaling arrangements fitted in a shaft;

a)     once at least in every thirty days,  every winding rope, by passing the rope at a speed not exceeding 0.5 meter per second, and for the purpose of this examination, the rope shall be cleaned of any encrusted dirt and grease at all places particularly liable to deterioration and at other places, not more than thirty meters apart throughout the length; and any reduction in the circumference of the rope and the superficial condition of the wires as to wear, corrosion, brittleness and fracture at every such place shall be noted; and

b)     once at least in every twelve months, the winding engine as to the condition of its internal parts.

2)    A report of every such examination under sub-regulation (1) shall be recorded in a bound paged book kept for the purpose, and shall be signed and dated by the person who made the examination.

3)    If on any examination made under sub-regulation (1), there is discovered any weakness or defect by which the safety of persons may be endangered, such weakness or defect shall be immediately reported in writing to the engineer or other competent person and to the manager and the winding installation shall not be used until such weakness or defect is remedied. 

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