86. Suspension gear.

1)    All parts of the suspension gears shall be of a type as approved by the Chief Inspector.

2)    All parts of suspension gear in regular use shall unless otherwise permitted by the Chief Inspector, be renewed after a period of service of not more than six years, and at shorter intervals, if necessary.  

3)    The factor of safety shall not be less than ten for components of suspension gears and threaded joints shall be avoided:

Provided that wherever it is not practicable to avoid a threaded joint, a factor of safety not less than fifteen shall be ensured.  


a)       All cage chains in general use and all other parts of suspension gear between the rope and the cage or other means of conveyance, including the detaching-hook, shall be taken apart, cleaned and carefully examined as to wear and tear (where necessary by gauging) and for rust and cracks, once at least in every six months, or if necessary, at shorter intervals; and various parts shall be annealed or given other proper heat treatment, in a proper furnace where the temperature can be controlled, before being refitted: 

Provided that in the case of such chains or gear manufactured from a steel which is not liable to deterioration necessitating annealing or heat treatment, the Chief Inspector may by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, grant exemption from the carrying out of this operation:

Provided further that detaching hooks used in sinking shafts shall be taken apart, cleaned and carefully examined once at least in every week and the shear pin replaced by a new one every time such examination is carried out.

b)       Every detaching bell or plate used in connection with a safety-hook shall be examined, and the opening therein checked by calipers or gauges, once at least in every thirty days. 

c)       The operations and examinations required under this sub-regulation shall be carried out by or under the supervision of an engineer or other competent person, who shall record the date and other particulars thereof in a bound paged book kept for the purpose, and shall sign and date the same.

5)    Non-destructive testing shall also be adopted for testing of vital components of machinery, such as drum shafts, brake tie rods and suspension gears at regular intervals and any harmful crack or flaw detected as a result of such tests shall be immediately reported to the Regional Inspector and use of such machinery or its components shall be discontinued forthwith.

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