85. Winding ropes, etc.-


(a)  No rope, bar, link, chain or other attachment to a cage or other means of conveyance shall be used unless it is of good quality and manufacture, is free from any visible defect and is of adequate calculated strength:

Provided that the Chief Inspector may, by an order in writing prohibit the use of any rope or type of ropes where, in his opinion such use is unsafe.

(b) The attachment between the rope and the cage or other means of conveyance shall be of such type and be maintained in such manner as to obviate accidental disconnection.

(c)  In case of a doubt, as to the fitness of any rope, bar, link, chain or other attachment used or intended for use, it shall be referred to the Chief Inspector for decision.


(a)  Except in a sinking shaft less than 30 meters in depth, every winding rope shall be made of cold drawn steel wire, and the gauge of the wires used in the construction of such rope shall be suited to the diameter of the drums, pulleys and sheaves of the winding installation.

(b) In any shaft, including a shaft in course of being sunk, where persons are lowered or raised and where guides are not provided, no rope other than a rope of non-spinning type shall be used.

(c)  No rope which has been spliced shall be used for winding purposes.

(d) Subject to such exemption as may be granted by the Chief Inspector in writing and any conditions as he may specify therein, no rope, the breaking load of which at any one point therein is less than ten times the maximum static load on it when the cage or other means of conveyance attached to the end of the rope is at the lowest working point, shall be used.

(e)  At every mine where a shaft is used for lowering or raising persons, at least one spare winding rope suitable for use in such shaft, shall be kept in store.


(a)  For every rope in use or intended for use, a certificate showing its breaking load, quality, construction and diameter (obtained from the manufacturer or supplier) and a history of its use, including a record of diameters of the drums, sheaves and pulleys used in conjunction with the rope, shall be kept in a bound paged book kept for the purpose.

(b) All entries made in the book referred to in clause (a) shall be signed by the engineer or other competent person, and shall be countersigned and dated by the manager.

(c)  If in the case of a rope a test certificate as to the amount of its breaking load is not available, it shall not be used unless a portion thereof, not less than three meters in length has been cut off from the end of the rope attached to the cappel and tested in a laboratory, institution or test house approved by the Central Government for the purpose.


(a)    No winding rope which has been in use for more than three and half years shall be used for winding purposes:

Provided that where the Regional Inspector is satisfied that due to sparing use, any such rope is in good condition even after the expiry of the said period, he may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, allow the use of such rope for a longer period.

(b)    Every application for permission to use a rope after the period of three and a half years aforesaid shall be accompanied by a copy of the entries, in respect of the rope, in the book kept for the purpose under sub-regulation (3), and also by a certificate as to the strength of the rope. 

(c)    The certificate referred to in clause (b) shall relate to a piece of the rope cut off not more than three months prior to the date of the application. 

(d)    If the Regional Inspector is of the opinion that any rope has become unsafe for use in a shaft before the expiry of the period of three and a half years aforesaid, he may, by an order in writing, prohibit the use of such rope for winding purposes. An appeal against any such order may be preferred to the Chief Inspector.


a)    No mode or type of capping shall be used, which fails to withstand a load of at least ten times the maximum static load thereon.

b)    The cappel of a round rope shall not be attached to the rope by rivets passing through the rope.

c)    No bent back wire type cappel shall be used with winding rope.

d)    Where white metal is used in the capping of ropes, the tapered portion of the socket shall not be less than six and a half times the diameter of the rope for the size up to 26 millimeter and seven and one third times in case of ropes of diameters higher than 26 millimeters.

e)    If white metal is used in the capping of ropes, -

(i)     its melting point shall not exceed 300 degrees centigrade, and its temperature when poured into the socket shall not exceed 363 degrees centigrade;

(ii)   in the length of rope which is to lie within the tapered part of the socket, the fiber core, if any, shall be cut and the wires shall be untwisted and thoroughly cleaned; 

(iii)  the socket shall be heated to a temperature of about 100 degrees centigrade before the white metal is poured into it.

6)    Except in friction winder, -

(a)         every rope shall be recapped once at least in every six months, or if necessary, at shorter intervals and also after every overwind; and

(b)        before every recapping, a length, including the capping, of at least two meters shall be cut off the rope, and every piece of rope so cut-off shall be opened and its internal condition examined.

7)    The recapping of rope shall be carried out under the supervision of the engineer or other competent person, who shall record the date and other particulars thereof (including the length of the rope remaining after recapping) in a bound paged book kept for the purpose and shall sign and date the same.

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