84. Winding in sinking shafts.

1)    At every shaft in the course of being sunk, where a winding engine is used, the provisions of sub-regulation (2) to sub-regulation (11) shall apply.

2)    If the shaft exceeds 45 meters in depth, there shall be provided for each bucket or other means of conveyance a detaching-hook.

3)    Between the Centre of the hole for attaching the detaching-hook to the rope shackle and the detaching bell or plate, when the bucket or other means of conveyance is at the top landing, there shall be a clear over-run space of not less than 3.6 meters.

4)    Where the shaft exceeds 150 meters in depth ,–

(a)         the bucket or other means of conveyance, when used for lowering or raising persons, shall be provided with sufficient cover overhead for protection from things falling down the shaft; and

(b)        there shall be provided for each bucket or other means of conveyance, a sufficient number of guides which shall be kept extended to within 22.5 meters of the shaft bottom at all times when sinking is in progress:

Provided that the Regional Inspector may, by an order in writing, require the guides to be provided in a shaft less than 150 meters in depth.


a.     There shall be provided and maintained- 

(i)          two separate means of interchanging distinct and definite signals between the bottom and the top of the shaft; and 

(ii)        efficient means for transmitting such signals from the top of the shaft to the winding engineman. 

b.    The signaling appliances shall be examined by a competent person once at least in every twenty-four hours and the result of every such examination shall be recorded in a bound paged book kept for the purpose and shall be signed and dated by the person making the examination.

c.     Except with the permission in writing of the Chief Inspector and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, the following code of signals shall be used and observed in signaling-

  • ONE RAP - STOP [when engine in motion]
  • ONE RAP - TAKE UP SLACK [when engine at rest]
  • ONE RAP - RAISE SLOWLY           
  • THREE RAPS - TAKE UP SLACK [when men are riding]:

Provided that, any other signals shall be in addition to, and shall not interfere with the foregoing.

(b)         A printed copy of the code of signals, including additional signals, if any, shall be posted prominently at the top of the shaft and also in the winding engine room.

(c)         Except while riding in a bucket or other means of conveyance, no person other than the person authorized in writing by the manager, shall give any signal.

6)    Every bucket or other means of conveyance in which persons or materials are conveyed, shall be of strong construction and so maintained as to prevent persons or materials from falling.


(a)  At the top of the shaft or at the landing where the bucket or other means of conveyance is normally landed, suitable covering with door shall be provided:

Provided that, except as may be required for the passage of the bucket or other means of conveyance, the covering and doors shall always be kept closed.

(b) Where the shaft exceeds 45 meters in depth, the persons working at the bottom of the shaft shall also be protected by an adequate protective covering, extending over the whole area of the shaft which shall be provided with a door for the passage of the bucket or other means of conveyance, to be kept lowered to within 22.5 metres of the bottom of the shaft at all times when sinking is in progress: 

Provided that where special circumstances exist, the Chief Inspector may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions, as he may specify therein, grant an exemption from the provisions of this clause.

8)    Not more than such number of persons as may be authorized by the manager shall be allowed to ride in the bucket or other means of conveyance at one time; and a notice specifying such number shall be posted prominently at the top of the shaft.

9)    When tools, implements or other materials are lowered or raised, the banksman or an authorized person, as the case may be, shall see that -

(i)          the bucket is properly loaded;

(ii)        materials are not loaded above the rim;

(iii)       long timber, pipes, rails, tools or other material with ends projecting over the rim are securely fastened to the rope, chains or bow; and

(iv)       the bucket, before being sent away, is steadied, and the bottom and sides thereof are free from adhering material.

10)                   Where guides are provided, the bucket or other means of conveyance shall be raised slowly from the bottom of the shaft, until the rider is picked up.

11)                   While persons are at work on any scaffold or platform in the shaft, the following precautions shall be strictly observed, namely: -

(i)          the scaffold or platform shall be secured to the sides of the shaft in order to prevent it from swinging; 

(ii)         the opening for the passage of the bucket or other means of conveyance, shall be so protected as effectively to prevent anything falling through it;

(iii)       the scaffold or platform shall not be lowered or raised except under the order of the authorized person or other competent person.

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