81. Man winding.

1.    At every shaft, other than a shaft in the course of being sunk, where a winding engine is used for the purpose of lowering or raising persons, the provisions of sub-regulation (2) to sub regulation (17) shall apply.

2.    In respect of every part of the winding installation, including pulleys or sheaves, cages, chains, distribution plates and detaching hooks, the following particulars shall be recorded in a bound paged book kept for the purpose, namely: -

(a)         name of the manufacturer and the year of manufacture;

(b)        specifications and dimensions;

(c)         reference to every certificate supplied with the part;  

(d)        date of installation of each part; and

(e)         any other detail that may be necessary or required by the Regional Inspector.

3.    All entries in the book shall be made and signed by the engineer or other competent person, and shall be countersigned and dated by the manager.

4.    Whenever any part or article is replaced or any repaired part or article is used in any winding installation, the fact of such replacement or repair shall be recorded in the book kept under sub-regulation (2).


a)    A single linked chain shall not be used, except for the short coupling chain attached to a cage or other means of conveyance and such single-linked chain shall be attached to the safety hook through a distribution plate or other approved appliance.

b)    Where safety-chains are used, their length shall be such that if the king-bolt breaks, the shock to the cage or other means of conveyance is as slight as possible.

6.    Where drum-clutches are provided, the following provisions shall have effect, namely: - 

(f)         the operating gear of the clutch of the drum shall be provided with locking gear to prevent inadvertent withdrawal of the clutch;

(g)        every engine used for the lowering or raising of persons shall have suitable interlocking device so fitted that it is not possible – 

(i)         to unclutch any drum unless the brakes of such drum are applied; or

(ii)        to release the brakes until the drum clutch is fully engaged and securely locked;

(h)        unless the cage or other means of conveyance attached to the drum is resting at the bottom of the shaft, the drum shall not be unclutched unless the winding engineman has assured himself immediately beforehand that the brake is fully applied.

7.    Except in friction winders, there shall be provided between the rope and the cage or other means of conveyance, a detaching hook. 

8.    The space between such detaching hook, measured from the Centre of the hole for attaching it to the rope shackle, and the detaching-bell or plate when the cage or other means of conveyance is at its normal position at the top of the shaft, shall be not less than 1.8 meters where a geared engine is used, and not less than 3.6 meters where a direct acting engine is used.

9.    In every shaft, the engine shall be fitted with an automatically recording speed indicator.


a)    In every shaft, there shall be provided an effective automatic contrivance to prevent over speeding and overwinding, hereinafter called the ‘Automatic Contrivance”, which shall prevent the descending cage from being landed at the pit bottom or other permanent landing at a speed exceeding 1.5 meters per second and also control the movement of the ascending cage in such a manner as to prevent danger to persons riding therein. 

b)    The Chief Inspector may, by an order in writing, specify the maximum speed of winding in any shaft.

c)    Test of every Automatic Contrivance and every brake shall be made by the engineer or other competent persons appointed for the purpose, in the following manner, namely: - 

(i)     once at least in every seven days, by raising each cage or other means of conveyance, in turn, to pass the last control point above the topmost landing; 

(ii)   once at least in every three months, by attempting to land the descending cage at excessive speed and for the purpose of this test, the setting of the Automatic Contrivance may be altered so that a pre-determined point in the shaft is regarded as the landing;

(iii)  the results of every such test shall be recorded in a bound paged book kept for the purpose, and shall be signed and dated by the person making the test.

d)    Unless the Automatic Contrivance is in full and fixed engagement with the winding engine, it shall be fully engaged, either automatically or by the winding engineman, whenever persons are to be lowered or raised; and an automatic indicator to show that this has been done shall be provided in such a position as to be easily seen by the banksman.  

e)    The banksman shall not allow any person to enter a cage or other means of conveyance until the indicator shows that the Automatic Contrivance has been fully engaged.

11. In addition to the Automatic Contrivance provided to prevent overwinding, a point shall be fixed and marked on the indicator of the engine in such a way as to show when the cage or other means of conveyance is at a distance of not less than twice the circumference of the drum from the completion of the wind; and if such cage or other means of conveyance contains persons, the winding engineman shall not, as soon as it has reached the point aforesaid, raise it for the remaining distance at a speed exceeding 1.2 meters per second.

12. Where the only means of egress in a mine is by apparatus worked by steam or electricity, precautions shall be taken to ensure that the two winding engines do not fail simultaneously and in particular, in the case of electric winding engines, the engines shall be capable of being connected to two separate power supplies.

13. Unless otherwise directed by the Chief Inspector by an order in writing, the provisions of the sub regulation (12) shall be deemed to have been complied if an emergency winding gear is maintained.


a)    Every cage or other means of conveyance in which persons ride, shall be –

(i)          covered completely at the top;

(ii)        closed in at the two sides in a manner sufficient to prevent persons or things from projecting beyond the sides;

(iii)       provided with a rigid hand-bar fixed in a position where it can be easily reached by all persons in the cage or other means of conveyance;  

(iv)       provided with suitable gates or other rigid fences such that the gap between the floor of cage or other means of conveyance and the lowest part of the gate or fence does not exceed 15 centimeters and that between any two members of the gate or fence does not exceed 25 centimeters. Gates or fences shall not open outwards and they shall be so fitted and maintained that they cannot be accidentally opened; and

(v)         provided with an effective means of communication or telecommunication system having     provisions of audio and visual, data and digital display including a broadcasting system.  

b)    The floor of every cage or other means of conveyance shall be strongly constructed and so maintained as to prevent any part of the body of a person riding in the cage or other means of conveyance from projecting beyond the floor.

15.  Not more than such number of persons as may be authorized by the manager shall be allowed to ride in the same cage or same deck of a cage or other means of conveyance at one time providing approximately 0.20 square meter of floor area per person and a notice specifying the number shall be posted at the top and bottom of every shaft and at every inset.


a)    No person shall, when ascending or descending a shaft, take with him any bulky material other than tools and instruments, except when engaged in repairing the shaft or with the written authority of the manager.

b)    Except as provided in clause (a), no person shall ride in a cage while materials or tubs are being raised or lowered in any of the cages or other means of conveyance.

17.  The Chief Inspector may, subject to such conditions as he may specify, relax the requirements of this regulation if the circumstances in any mine or part thereof are such as to render compliance with such requirements not reasonably practicable.

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