80. Shaft fittings.

1.    At every winding shaft, other than a shaft in the course of being sunk  to which the provisions of regulation 84 shall apply, the provisions of sub-regulation (2) to sub-regulation (11) shall have effect.


a)    Two independent and efficient means shall be provided and maintained for interchanging separate, distinct and definite signals between the top of the shaft and- 
(i)     the bottom or other permanent landing of the shaft; and
(ii)   every inset for the time being in use,  and one of such system shall be by electrical means
 b)   There shall also be provided and maintained efficient means for transmitting signals from the top of the shaft to the winding engineman and all signals shall be transmitted by mechanical or electrical means; 

3.    In signaling, the following code of signals shall be used and strictly observed:

ONE RAP           :


when engine in motion

ONE RAP           :


when engine at rest.

TWO RAPS        :





ready to ascend or descend



men may enter the cage or other means of


Provided that any other signals shall be in addition to, and shall not interfere with, the foregoing. 

4.    A printed copy of the code of signals, including additional signals, if any, shall be posted prominently at the top of the shaft and at every such inset and landing and also in the winding engine room.

5.    No person other than the banksman or onsetter shall give any signals unless he is an official of the mine or is authorised in writing by the manager to give signals.

6.    Any defect in the signaling system shall be immediately reported to an official who shall take action to have the defects rectified.

7.    In addition to the system of signaling provided in this regulation, another effective means of two way communication or telecommunication system shall also be provided so that the winding engine driver, banksman, onsetter, persons travelling inside the cage or any other person can contact and communicate with each other without any difficulty and hindrance.


a)    The shaft shall be provided with sufficient number of guides to ensure smooth and safe travel of the cage or other means of conveyance.

b)    Where rope guides are used, the cheese-weights or bottom clamps shall be kept so exposed as to permit regular examination.

9.    Above the topmost landing, ‘dogs’ or other devices for holding the cage or other means of conveyance in the event of an overwind shall be provided, or the guides, runners or receivers shall be sprung.


a)    Except in friction winders, at the top of every shaft where cages are used, suitable keps shall be provided and so arranged as to fall into the ‘on’ position when the operating lever is released.

b)    At every inset where keps or folding platforms are provided, arrangements shall be made to lock the keps or platforms securely in the ‘off’ position; and when in the ‘off’ position such keps or platforms shall leave the shaft clear for the passage of the cage. 

c)    In every such case, a proper automatic indicator to show the position of the keps or platforms, as the case may be, shall be provided in such a position as to be easily seen by the banksman.


a)    Protective roofing, sufficient to prevent danger from anything falling in the shaft, shall be provided and maintained at the bottom of the shaft. 

b)    The gap, both vertical and horizontal, between the protective roofing and the top of cage, when the cage is at the bottom of the shaft, shall not exceed 15 centimeters.

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