79. Fittings of winding engines.

1.    At every shaft, including a shaft in the course of being sunk, where winding is effected by means of an engine, the provisions of sub-regulation (2) to sub-regulation (8) regarding winding engines shall apply.

2.    There shall be on the drum such flanges, and also if the drum is conical or spiral such other appliances, as may be sufficient to prevent the rope from slipping or coiling unevenly.

3.    Except in friction winder, the end of the rope shall be securely fixed in such a manner that the rope is not unduly strained. 

4.    There shall be at least two turns of the rope on the drum when the cage or other means of conveyance is at its lowest working point in the shaft.


a)    There shall be provided one or more brakes on the drum or the drum-shaft, which-

(i)     if there are two cages or other means of conveyance shall hold such cages or other means of conveyance when the maximum torque is applied in either direction; and

(ii)   if there is only one cage or other means of conveyance shall hold the loaded cage or other means of conveyance in midshaft when the maximum torque is applied downwards.

b)    At least one of the brakes shall be so designed that the brake remains at the ‘on’ position except when operated.

c)    Where the brake or brakes are power-operated, at least one of them shall be arranged to be applied automatically at all times if the power supply fails.

d)    The brake on the drum shall be used only for the purpose of keeping such drum stationary and not for lowering the cage or other means of conveyance, except in cases where the engine is to be worked at a very low speed as when examining the winding rope or the shaft.

6.    Where the winding engine is worked by steam or compressed air, a screw stop-valve shall not be used as controlling valve of the engine.

7.    Every engine shall be equipped with a reliable depth-indicator (in addition to any mark on the rope) showing to the winding engineman the position of the cage or other means of conveyance in the shaft, and an automatic device that will ring a bell in the engine room when the ascending cage or other means of conveyance is at a distance of not less than two revolutions of the drum from the top of the shaft. 

8.    The depth-indicator referred to in sub-regulation (7) shall be tested after every adjustment or replacement of the winding rope.

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