78.  Construction and installation of winding equipment.

1.    Every part of a winding installation, including headgear shall be of sound construction and adequate strength, and shall be maintained in safe working order and in case of any doubt in that respect, it shall be referred to the Chief Inspector for decision. 

2.    The engine shall be firmly connected to a rigid foundation and shall be so designed, constructed and maintained that with the power provided, the raising and lowering of persons or materials can be carried out with ease, regularity and safety.

3.    Unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Chief Inspector and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, every engine for winding shall be so situated in relation to the headgear that the winding rope shall not, in the extreme position, subtend in either direction an angle more than one and a half degrees with the plane of the sheave or pulley used in connection with the rope.

4.    The diameter of the drums or sheaves of the winding engine, and of the pulleys and sheaves used in connection with the winding shall, unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Chief Inspector and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, be not less than eighty times the diameter of the rope in the case of winding installations installed before the 25th day of October, 1955 and not less than one hundred times the diameter of the rope in other cases:

Provided that the Chief Inspector may, by an order in writing, require that in the case of any specified winding installation installed before the said date, the diameter of the said drums, pulleys or sheaves shall not be less than such size, as he may specify in the order:

Provided further that where special difficulties exist which make compliance with the provisions of this regulation not reasonably practicable, the Chief Inspector may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, relax the said provisions.

5.    The grooves of sheaves or pulleys used in winding installation shall be suited to the diameter of the rope.

6.    Every pulley or sheave used in connection with winding shall, while in motion, rotate in a vertical plane, and shall be maintained in such a condition that slipping is reduced to a minimum.

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