76. Appointment of winding engineman.

1.    No person shall be appointed as a winding engineman unless he holds an Engine Driver’s Certificate: 

Provided that this sub-regulation shall not apply to the driver of an electrical winding engine up to thirty horsepower or a steam or compressed air winding engine which has cylinders not exceeding eighteen centimeters in diameter and which is not used for raising or lowering of persons. 

 Provided further that, after coming into force of these regulations, a First- or Second-Class Engine Driver’s Certificate granted under regulation 12 of the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957, shall, each be also deemed to have been granted as an Engine Driver’s Certificate under regulation 11 of these regulations.

2.    Where special difficulties exist, which make compliance with the provisions of sub-regulation (1) not reasonably practicable, the Chief Inspector may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, relax the said provisions.

3.    No person, other than a winding engineman appointed under sub-regulation (1) shall operate any winding engine:

Provided that in an emergency any other competent person may be permitted to operate the winding engine.

4.    The name of the winding engineman on duty, together with the period of his shift shall be posted in the winding engine room: 

Provided that where the Regional Inspector is of the opinion that the duties of any winding engineman are unduly arduous, he may by an order in writing require the period of his shift to be reduced to such period, not less than five hours, as he may specify.

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