72. Working shafts. –

1.    All entrances to the mine shaft shall be adequately illuminated throughout working hours.  

2.    Every shaft in use or in course of being sunk and every incline or other outlet shall be made and kept secure.

3.    Every shaft in the course of being sunk shall be provided with a permanent lining of metal, concrete or masonry, which shall at no time, be more than six meters from the bottom of the shaft:

Provided that where iron or steel rings with a substantial lagging are used below the permanent lagging and are kept close to the bottom of the shaft, this distance may be increased to not more than twenty meters:

Provided further that in the case of a shaft where special conditions exist which make compliance with the provisions of this sub-regulation not necessary, the Regional Inspector may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, grant exemption from the operation thereof.

4.    Surface and seepage water shall be channeled in such a way as to prevent it from falling freely into the shaft.

5.    The top, all insets and the bottom of every working shaft and the sump thereof shall be kept clear and free from loose materials, tools and debris.

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