CMR ( REGULATION NO. 70) | Related important Questions & Answers


70. Plans to be checked on change of ownership or on reopening, etc.

1.    When there is a change in ownership of a mine, or where a mine or part thereof is re-opened, or where in any mine or part thereof it is intended to start any extraction or reduction of pillars, the owner, agent and manager shall ensurethat the plans and sections of the mine or part are accurate: 

Provided that if any doubt arises as to the accuracy of the plans and sections in any respect, he shall have accurate plans and sections prepared afresh before any drivage or other work of development or of extraction or reduction of pillars is commenced.

2.    If the Regional Inspector is of the opinion that any plan or section prepared, kept or submitted under these regulations is inaccurate, he may, by an order in writing, require a fresh survey made and a new plan or section prepared within such time as he may specify therein.

3.    If the plan or section required to be prepared under sub-regulation (2) is not prepared within the time specified in the order, or to the satisfaction of the Regional Inspector, or the plan or section is not prepared or updated as required under these regulations, he may get the plan or section prepared by any other agency and the cost thereof, as certified by the Chief Inspector, shall be defrayed by the owner of the mine and be recoverable from him as an arrear of land revenue.

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