CMR ( REGULATION NO. 69) | Related important Questions & Answers


69. Preparation of plans by surveyors.

1.    Every plan and section, and tracing thereof, prepared under these regulations shall be prepared by or under the personal supervision of the surveyor.

2.    Every plan or section, or any part thereof, prepared by or under the supervision of a surveyor shall carry thereon a certificate by him to the effect that the plan or section or part thereof is correct; and shall be signed and dated by the surveyor and countersigned and dated by the manager on every occasion that the plan or section is brought up-to-date.

3.    Every tracing of a plan or section or of any part thereof shall bear a reference to the original plan or section from which it was copied and shall be certified thereon by the surveyor with date to be a true copy of the original plan or section. 

4.    If the surveyor fails or omits to show any part of the workings or allows the plans or sections to be inaccurate, he shall be guilty of a breach of these regulations: 

Provided that nothing in this sub-regulation shall, exempt the owner, agent or manager of their responsibility to ensure that every plan or section prepared, kept or submitted under these regulations or by any order made thereunder is correct and maintained up-to-date as required thereunder.

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