CMR ( REGULATION NO. 66) | Related important Questions & Answers


66. Plans and sections to be submitted after abandonment, closure or discontinuance. –

1.    Where any mine or seam or section thereof is abandoned, closed or the working thereof has been discontinued over a period exceeding sixty days, the person who was the owner of the mine at the time of abandonment, closure or discontinuance shall, within thirty days after the abandonment or closure, or within ninety days after the discontinuance of the workings, as the case may be, submit to the Chief Inspector two true copies of the up to-date plan and section of the workings of the mine or seam or section maintained under clauses (a), (b), (c), (e) and (g) of  sub-regulation (1) of regulation 65, which shall show the bearing and distance of at least one of the shafts or openings of the mine from a tri-junction or revenue pillar or from any other prominent and permanent surface feature, the position of all water-dams built belowground (with their dimensions and other particulars of construction) and also the spot levels at the ends of the workings:

Provided that if a change of ownership occurs after the abandonment, closure or discontinuance and before the expiry of thirty days of the abandonment or closure or ninety days of the discontinuance of the workings, as the case may be, such plans and sections shall be submitted forthwith.

2.    The original or a certified true copy of the plan and section submitted under sub-regulation (1) shall be kept in the office at the mine.

3.    The Chief Inspector may, on such conditions as he thinks fit to impose, and on payment of the cost of preparing copies as determined by him, supply copies of a plan or section submitted to him under sub regulation (1) or such parts thereof as he thinks fit -

a)    to any person having a bonafide interest in the mine, seam or section;

b)    to the owner, agent or manager of an adjacent mine.

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