CMR ( REGULATION NO. 65) | Related important Questions & Answers, like- Opencast mining (OCM) में vertical projection plan कब बनाए जाते हैं?

65. Type of plans. –

(1) The owner, agent or manager of every mine shall keep the following plans and sections:

a)    a surface plan showing every surface feature within the boundaries, such as telephone, telegraph or power transmission line, watermain, tram-line, railway, road, river, watercourse, reservoir, tank, bore-hole, shaft and incline opening, opencast working, subsidence and building on the surface;

b)    an underground plan showing-

                                          I.          the position of the workings of the mine belowground;

                                        II.          every bore-hole and shaft with depth, incline opening, cross-measure drift, goaf, fire-stopping or seal, water-dam (with dimensions and other particulars of construction), pumping station and haulage roadway;

                                      III.          every important surface feature within the boundaries, such as railway, road, river, stream, water-course, tank, reservoir, opencast working and building which is within

200 meters of any part of the workings measured on the horizontal plane;

                                      IV.          the general direction and rate of dip of the strata;

                                        V.          such sections of the seam as may be necessary to show any substantial variation in the thickness or character thereof and showing the working section, and such section of the strata sunk or driven through in the mine or proved by boring as may be available; 

                                      VI.          the position of every roll, washout, dyke and every fault with the amount and direction of its throw and hade; 

                                    VII.          an abstract of all statutory restrictions in respect of any specified working with reference to the order imposing the same, and,

whenever this plan is brought up-to-date, the then position of the workings shall be shown by dotted line drawn through the ends of the working and such dotted line shall be marked with the date of the last survey;

c)    where a seam has an average inclination of more than thirty degrees from the horizontal, one or more vertical mine section or sections, as may be required by Regional Inspector, showing a vertical projection of the mine working:

Provided that in case of a mine having opencast workings, vertical mine sections showing vertical projections of mine workings at suitable intervals not exceeding 100 m, in both, longitudinal as well as transverse directions, shall be prepared and maintained irrespective of the inclination of coal seam;

d)    a ventilation plan, and section where necessary, showing the system of ventilation in the mine, and in particular – 

(i)               the general direction of air-current; 

(ii)             every point where the quantity of air is measured;

(iii)           every air-crossing, ventilation door, stopping and every other principal device for the regulation and distribution of air;

(iv)           every fire-stopping and its serial number;

(v)              every room used for storing inflammable material;

(vi)           the position of fire-fighting equipment;

(vii)         every water-dam with dimensions and other particulars of construction;

(viii)       every pumping, telephone and ambulance station;

(ix)           every haulage and travelling roadway;

(x)              every auxiliary or booster fan; 

(xi)           every stone dust barrier;

e)    a joint survey plan showing the details required under clause (b) of this sub-regulation and sub-regulations (6) and (7), signed by the surveyor and the manager of the mine and also of adjoining mines having working within 60 meters of the common boundary or where the boundary is in dispute, within 60 meters of the boundary claimed by the owner of the mine concerned signifying the correctness of the common boundary, or the disputed boundaries, as the case may be, and of the position of the working in relation to one another; 

f)     a geological plan of the area of leasehold, on a suitable scale; and

g)    a water-danger plan and section showing-

(i)        nullah, river, lake, water pond, water coarse, drainage or any other water bodies on surface or belowground existing upto 200 meters of the boundary of the mine;

(ii)      the position of the working belowground and every borehole and shaft (with depth), drive, cross-cut, staple pit, excavation and air passage connected therewith;

(iii)    the position of every dyke, fault and other geological disturbance with the amount and direction of its throw as well as hade; 

(iv)    levels taken in workings belowground at easily identifiable points sufficient in number to allow the construction of sections along all drives, main headings and haulage roadways;

(v)      every source of water such as river, stream, water-course, reservoir, water-logged opencast working on the surface, and also the outline of all water-logged workings belowground lying within 60 meters of any part of the workings measured in any direction;

(vi)    every reservoir, dam or other structure, either above or belowground, constructed to withstand a pressure of water or to control inrush of water, along with reference to its design and other details of construction; and (vii) the highest flood level of the area.

(2) Separate plans and sections for the working of every seam or of every separate section of every seam shall be kept in respect of clauses (b), (c), (d) and (e) of sub-regulation (1):

Provided that in respect of plans maintained under clause (b) of sub-regulation (1), combined plans of all seams or sections, which are lying within nine meters of each other and which are worked at the mine shall also be kept; and in the combined plans, workings in different seams or sections shall be shown in different colors.

(3) The plans maintained under clauses (a), (b), (d), (e), (f) and (g) of sub-regulation (1)  shall also show surface contour linesdrawn at vertical intervals not exceeding five meters (or ten metersin the case of a mine where there are no working belowground or in cases of mines situated in hilly terrain, such other interval as the Regional Inspector may permit by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify) over the whole area lying within 200 meters of any part of the working.

(4) The plans maintained under clause (b) of sub-regulation (1) shall also show spot levels on the floor of the working – 

a.     along haulage roadways, at every roadway junction, except in roadways where tramming is done by manual means where the spot levels may be shown at points not more than 150 meters apart; and

b.    in the case of headings which have been discontinued either temporarily or permanently, also at the end of such headings:

 Provided that where two drifts in stone or two galleries in coal pass over one another, this shall be clearly indicated on the plans, with appropriate noting, if necessary;

(5) A permanent bench-mark shall be established on the surface, and all levels taken above and belowground shall be referred to a plane in relation to such bench-mark and the particulars of the benchmark, together with its height above Mean Sea Level shall be shown on the plans required to be maintained under these regulations.

(6) The plans maintained under clauses (a) and (b) of sub-regulation (1) shall also show the settled boundary of the mine, or where the boundary is in dispute, the boundaries claimed by the owner of the mine and by the owner of the mine adjacent to the disputed boundary:

Provided that where it is not possible to show the complete boundary of leasehold on the same plan, an additional key plan on any other suitable scale showing such boundaries and the outline of the workings shall also be maintained.

(7) The plans maintained under clause (b) of sub-regulation (1) shall also show the workings, and all features as specified in that clause, both above and belowground of all adjacent mines as are situated within 60 meters, measured on any plane, of the boundary claimed by the owner of the mine.

(8) The owner, agent and manager of every mine shall as soon as its working extend to within 60 meters of the settled boundary with an adjacent mine(or where the boundary is in dispute within 60 meters of the boundary claimed by the owner of the adjacent mine) inform the owner, agent or manager of such mine of the fact of such extension and shall also give all reasonable facilities to the surveyors of its adjacent mines to carry out the surveys and leveling required to be made under this sub-regulation.

(9) The Regional Inspector may, by an order in writing- 

(i)         require such additional details to be shown on the plans and sections maintained under these regulations, or the preparation and maintenance of such other plans and sections showing such details and, on such scale, and within such time as he may specify in the order; and,

(ii)        require the owner, agent or manager to submit to him within such time such plans and sections, or tracings thereof, as he may specify in the order.

(10) The owner, agent or manager shall, at any time if required by the Regional Inspector, show on any plan or section the then position of the workings of the mine.

Regulation number 65 


Q. Statutory mines plan कितने प्रकार के होते हैं?


CMR 2017 के regulations number 65 के अनुसार statutory mines plan 7 प्रकार के होते हैं: -

1.    Surface plan

2.    Underground plan 

3.    Vertical projection

4.    Ventilation plan

5.    Geological plan

6.    Joint survey plan

7.    water danger plan


इसके अलावा mines में requirement के अनुसार अदर प्लान (other plan) भी बनाए जाते हैं जो इस प्रकार है: -

  • Rescue tracing plan
  • Subsidence plan
  • Electrical line diagram plan
  • Stone dusting plan 
  • Dust sampling plan
  • Offset plan 
  • Overman hand plan 
  • Layout plan 
  • Floor contour plan 
  • Emergency plan 
  • Firefighting plan
  • Manpower distribution plan 

Note: - manpower distribution plan made by manager in 1st week of every month.

  • Combined plan [contiguous seam]
  • Key plan 
  • Progressive plan 
  • Mine closure plan 

a.              Progressive MCP 

b.              Final MCP

  • Accident plan
  • Safety management plan [SMP] 
  • Support plan [SCAMP - Strata control and monitoring plan] etc.


Q. Underground mines में working places से कितना मीटर के अंदर का surface features show किया जाएगा?


200-meter horizontal direction के अंदर।


Q. Underground mines में vertical projection plan कब बनाए जाते हैं?


 Seam का inclination 30-degree से above होने पर


Q. Opencast mining (OCM) में vertical projection plan कब बनाए जाते हैं?


 OCM मैं किसी भी condition में vertical projection plan बनाया जाएगा जो every hundred-meter (100 m) के इंटरवल (interval) पर रहेगा।


Q. Joint Survey plan किस condition में बनाया जाएगा ?


जब किन्हीं दो underground mines के बैरियर (barrier) 60 meter के अंदर working पहुंचने पर।


Q. combined plan किस कंडीशन (condition) में बनाया जाता है ?


contiguous working और multisection working के कंडीशन (condition) में।


Q. Contiguous working किसे कहते हैं


contiguous seam में चलाए जाने वाले वर्किंग (working) को Contiguous working कहते हैं जिनके बीच का parting किसी भी कंडीशन (condition) में 3-meter से कम नहीं होगा।


Q. Multi section working किसे कहते हैं?


किसी  thick seam में एक से अधिक तल्लो में चलाए जाने वाले working को multi section working कहते हैं।


Q. Contour line कितने मीटर के interval पर show किया जाता है


1.    5 मीटर के इंटरवल पर अंडर ग्राउंड में

2.    यदि किसी माइंस में अंडरग्राउंड वर्किंग नहीं है तो उस कंडीशन में 10 मीटर के इंटरवल पर

3.     Hilly terrain में permitted by RIM



Q. कौन-कौन से प्लान में contour line show किए जाते हैं?


 vertical projection plan को छोड़कर सारे statutory plan में contour lines show किए जाएंगे।


Q. सभी statutory mine plan में spot level plan पर किस जगह की दिखाई जाएगी?


floor की


Q. Spot level कहां कहां show किए जाएंगे?


regulation 65 के sub regulation 4 के अनुसार: -

  • every road way के junction में
  •  hand tramming roadway‌ में maximum 150 मीटर के interval पर
  • प्रत्येक heading के end में चाहे वाे temporary या permanent रूप से बंद किए गए हो।


Q. Spot level show करने के क्या क्या कंडीशन है?


प्रत्येक अंडरग्राउंड प्लान में: -

1.    Haulage roadway के along प्रत्येक रोडवे (roadway) के junction में spot level show किए जाएंगे।

2.     जहां hand tramming हो रही हो वहां (मतलब hand tramming roadway‌) में maximum 150 मीटर के interval पर spot level show किए जाएंगे।

3.    Raise gallery के कोई भी blind end में।

    4.  कोई भी दो stone drift या दो coal gallery (गैलरी) जहां पर एक दूसरे को ऊपर cross करती है।


Q. Bench mark (BM) कहां पर बनाए जाते हैं?


Surface में।


Q. permanent benchmark कहां पर बनाया जाता है?


 surface (सरफेस) पर।


Q. Key plan किस condition में बनाया जाता है?


mines का lease hold area जब एक plan पर show करना संभव नहीं हो पाता है तब एक अलग से key plan बनाया जाता है जिसमें boundary और working outlines show किए जाते हैं।



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