CMR ( REGULATION NO. 64) | Mines plan मैं मुख्य रूप से क्या क्या show किए जाते हैं? | General mine plan को कितने दिनों में अप टू डेट (up to date) किया जाता है? | Offset plan कितना RF में बनाया जाता है?

64. General requirements about mine plans. –

1)    Every plan or section prepared or submitted in accordance with the provisions of these regulations shall- 

a)    specify the name of the mine and of the owner and the purpose for which the plan is prepared;

b)    show the true north, or the magnetic meridian and the date of the later;

c)    specify a scale of the plan at least 25 centimeters long and suitably subdivided;

d)    unless otherwise provided, be on a scale having a representative factor of 2000:1 or 1000:1:

Provided that the Chief Inspector may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, permit or require the plans to be prepared on any other suitable scale;

a)    be properly inked in on durable paper, tracing cloth or on polyester film and be kept in good condition;

b)    have an abstract of all statutory restrictions in respect of any specified working with a reference.

2)    The conventions shown in the Schedule shall be used in preparing all plans and sections required by these regulations.

3)    The plans and sections required by these regulations shall be accurate within such limits of error as the Chief Inspector may specify by a general or special order. 

4)    The plans and sections required by these regulations shall be maintained corrected up-to-date which is not earlier than three months:

Provided that where any mine or seam or section is proposed to be abandoned, closed or the working thereof to be discontinued or rendered inaccessible, the plan and section shall be brought up-to date before such abandonment, closure or at the time of discontinuance, as the case may be, unless such abandonment, closure or discontinuance has been caused by circumstances beyond the control of the owner, agent or manager, in which case the fact that the plan or section is not up-to-date shall be recorded on it.

5)    All the reference stations at surface and the reference points of underground surveys shall be shown in their correct position relative to the survey of India national grid within the limits of error of survey and plotting, as specified under sub-regulation (3).

6)    Plans and sections required to be maintained under these regulations shall be kept available for inspection in the office at the mine, and shall not be removed therefrom except by or with the approval in writing of the Regional Inspector, unless a true copy thereof has been kept therein.

7)    The Chief Inspector may, subject to the conditions as he may specify in the order, permit preparation of plans or sections in variance with the provisions of this regulation.

Regulation number 64

Q. Mines plan में मुख्य रूप से क्या क्या show किए जाते हैं?


 CMR 2017 के रेगुलेशन नंबर 64 के अनुसार: -

  1. Name of mine 
  2. Name of owner
  3. Purpose of plan 
  4. True North / Magnetic North with date & time 
  5. कम से कम एक 25cm का sub. divided scale
  6. Representative factor (RF) 

Q. Plan में 25cm का subdivide scale क्यों बनाया जाता है?


 Plan का shrinkage (सिकुड़ना) factor को जानने के लिए।

Q. Offset plan कितना RF में बनाया जाता है?


1:500 [ depillaring करते समय offset plan बनाया जाता है।]

Q. OHP (Overman hand plan) को कितने दिनों में up to date किया जाता है?


every shift (overman up-to-date करता है।) 

Q. Plan किस मटेरियल (material) की बनी होती है?


  • Durable paper 
  • Tracing cloth 
  • Polyester film 

Q. General mine plan को कितने दिनों में अप टू डेट (up to date) किया जाता है?


within three months

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