63. Duties of truck, tipper and dumper operator.


1)    Every person authorized to operate trucks, tippers and dumpers in a mine shall- 

(a)      inspect the machine assigned to him in the beginning of his shift and test the various systems, sub-systems and protective devices; 

(b)      not take out the machine for work nor shall he work the machine unless he is satisfied that it is mechanically sound and in efficient working order;

(c)      maintain a record of every inspection made under clause (a) in a bound paged book kept for the purpose and shall sign every entry made therein;

(d)      not drive the machine under his charge too fast, shall avoid distractions, and drive defensively, not attempt to overtake another vehicle unless he can see clearly far enough ahead to be sure that he can pass it safely and sound the audible warning signal before overtaking;

(e)      when approaching a stripping or loading equipment, sound the audible warning signal and not attempt to pass the stripping equipment until he has received proper audible signal in reply;

(f)       before crossing a road or railway line, reduce his speed, look in both directions along the road or railway line and proceed across the road or line only if it is safe to do so;

(g)      sound the audible warning signal while approaching a blind corner or any other points from where persons may walk in front unexpectedly;

(h)      not operate the truck, tipper or dumper in reverse unless he has a clear view of the area behind and give an audible warning signal before reversing a truck, tipper or dumper;

(i)        be sure of clearance before driving through areas such as tunnels, archway and plant


(j)        strictly adhere to the transport rules made under regulation 109 while operating the truck, tipper or dumper;

(k)      enter the condition of the truck, tipper or dumper at the end of his shift in the register or book maintained under clause (c) for necessary information of his successor.

2)    The driver shall ensure that the vehicle is not overloaded and that the material is not loaded in a truck, tipper or dumper so as to project horizontally beyond the sides of its body and that any material projecting beyond the front or rear is indicated by a red flag during day and by red light after day light hours.

3)    The driver shall not allow any unauthorized person to ride on the vehicle. 

Regulation number 63 

Q. Truck, Tipper या Dumper operator किस regulation के अनुसार (according) बनाए गए code of transport rule काे follow (पालन) करेगा?


 regulation number 109 

Q. किसी भी vehicle पर किसी unauthorized person को कौन चढ़ने नहीं देगा ?


vehicle operator

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