59. Duties of cutting and loading machine driver and mechanic or fitter.

  1. When a machine is required to work on a gradient exceeding 1 in 5, an   effective contrivance to prevent the machine running back shall be provided and used.
  2. No cutting or loading machine shall be flitted or otherwise moved with the cutting or loading tool in motion, except in the actual process of cutting or loading, and if the cutting or loading tool, as the case may be, is not possible to be locked out of gear securely, it shall be removed before flitting is started.
  3. No person shall make any repair or adjustment to a cutting or loading machine or shall put in or take out a pick, until he has made such arrangements as will prevent the mechanism being inadvertently put into motion while such operation is being performed.
  4. No person shall open or replace the cover of any electrical part of a cutting or loading machine, except under the supervision and in the presence of an engineer, electrician or other competent person appointed for the purpose.
  5. The cutting or loading machine driver shall not leave the machine unless he has completely cut off the power and has assured himself that the moving parts of the machine shall not be inadvertently set in motion.


Regulation number 59

Q. Roadway का gradient कितना से अधिक होने पर किसी cutting या loading machine के पीछे effective contrivance लगाया जाएगा?


Gradient one in five से अधिक रहने पर, यह duty - driver, mechanic या fitter की होगी।

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