58. Duties of locomotive driver.

 The locomotive driver shall- 

(a)         before commencing work in his shift, ensure that the audible signal, lights and the brakes of the locomotive are in proper working order;

(b)        not work the locomotive unless the locomotive is fitted with sufficient headlights; 

(c)         immediately report to the engineer or other competent person appointed for the purpose any defect which he has noticed in the locomotive or any part or fitting thereof;

(d)        not set the locomotive in motion until audible warning has been given by him to persons whose safety may be endangered and also give the audible warning when the locomotive is approaching a level crossing or any place where any person is at work or where the driver’s sight is intercepted;

(e)         not leave a locomotive unattended away from the place where it is housed, unless he has ensured that it cannot be set in motion by any unauthorized person;

(f)         ensure that no unauthorized person drives, handles or rides on a locomotive;

(g)        ensure that when tubs or wagons are being pushed in front of the locomotive, the shunter shall accompany the leading wagon.

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