57. Duties of haulage engineman, attendant, etc.


(1) At the beginning of his shift, the haulage engineman shall examine the engine, its brake and all appliances in his charge, and shall satisfy himself that they are in good working order.

(2)   The haulage engineman shall, during his shift keep the haulage engine and apparatus connected therewith properly cleaned and oiled, and the engine-room clean and free of inflammable material.

(3)   The haulage engineman shall report immediately to the engineer or other competent person appointed for the purpose any defect which he has noticed in the engine, brake, drum, rope or other appliances under his charge.

(4)   Whenever the haulage engineman has occasion to leave the engine, he shall cut off the power and secure the engine with the brake.

(5)   The haulage engineman and signaler shall not allow any unauthorised person to enter the engineroom or in any way to interfere with the engine or signal, as the case may be.

(6)   Every haulage engineman and signaler shall thoroughly acquaint himself with, and carefully attend to, the prescribed code of signals.

(7)   The haulage engineman shall not start the engine until he has received the proper signal to do so and if the signal is indistinct, shall not start the engine until it has been repeated and he clearly understands it.

(8)   The person in charge at the top of any haulage plane or incline shall ensure that the stop-blocks are blocking the way, before allowing any tub to be brought on to the top landing and shall cause the tubs to be securely coupled up to each other and to the rope or chain, before the stop block is opened. In case any alternative safety appliance is provided, he shall cause the same to be brought into use on every such occasion.

(9)   The person who is responsible for the attachment to the haulage rope, of any tub or set of tubs at any stopping place on any haulage plane or incline, shall ensure that no person remains in a position of danger at or near such stopping place while the rope is in motion.

(10)   The person in charge of any tubs or set of tubs, which it is intended to send up any haulage plane or incline on which drags or back-stays are required to be used, shall securely fix the drag or back-stay or cause it to be so fixed, before such tub or set of tubs is set in motion.

(11)  The person in charge at the top or bottom of the incline shall ensure that no unauthorized person rides on any tub.

(12)   Before a train of side-tipping tubs is set in motion, the person in charge shall ensure that the safety catches of all such tubs are properly secured.

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