55. Duties of winding engineman.

 (1) A winding engineman shall-

(a)         at the beginning of his shift, examine the engine, brakes and all appliances in his charge and  satisfy himself that they are in good working order; 

(b)        during his shift, keep the winding engine and apparatus connected therewith properly cleaned and oiled and shall ensure that the engine room is clean and free of inflammable material;

(c)         immediately report in writing to the engineer or other competent person appointed for the purpose any defect which he has noticed in the engine, brake, indicator, drum, rope or other appliances under his charge; 

(d)        not allow any unauthorized person to enter the engine room or in any way to interfere with the engine;

(e)         thoroughly acquaint himself with, and carefully attend to, the prescribed code of signals and  shall not start the engine until he has received the proper signal to do so:

Provided that if the signal is indistinct, he shall not start the engine until it has been repeated and he clearly understands it;

(f)         avoid jerk in starting, running and stopping the engine, and shall cause the cage or other means of conveyance to be brought gently to rest at any stopping place; 

(g)        while persons are being lowered or raised in the shaft, the winding engineman shall not drive the engine at a speed higher than that fixed by the manager for man-riding purposes and approved by the Regional Inspector; 

(h)        not unclutch the drum of his engine until he has assured himself immediately beforehand by testing the brake of the drum against the full power of the engine to see  that the brake is in proper condition to hold the load suspended from the said drum:

Provided that when the drum is unclutched, he shall use the brake only for the purpose of maintaining such drum stationery, and shall not lower men or materials from an unclutched drum;

(i)         on no pretext leave the handle or brake whilst the engine is in motion, or while persons are riding a cage or other means of conveyance in the shaft; and

(j)         not leave the engine whilst persons are at work in the shaft, and whenever he has occasion to leave the engine, he shall cut off the power and secure the drums with brake;

(2)  The winding engineman of a winding engine by which persons are lowered or raised in a shaft, shall not leave the engine at the end of his shift unless all the persons have come out of the shaft or unless relieved by a duly appointed substitute.

Regulation No. 55

Q. Winding engine room मैं कोई भी unauthorized person प्रवेश ना करें यह देखने की जिम्मेदारी किसकी होगी?


Winding Engine man/ operator 

Note: - 

Qualification of winding engine man - winding engine driver certificate (DGMS)

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