53. Duties and responsibilities of surveyor.

(1) The surveyor shall – 

(a)         make such accurate surveys and levellings, and prepare such plans and sections and tracings thereof, as the manager may direct or as may be required by the Act or by the regulations or orders made thereunder, and shall sign the plans, sections and tracings and date his signature; 

(b)        be responsible for the accuracy of any plan and section, or tracings thereof that has been prepared and signed by him.

(2)   The surveyor shall record in a bound paged book kept for the purpose –

(a)         the full facts when working of the mine have approached to about 120 meters from the mine boundary, or from disused or waterlogged workings;

(b)        any doubts which may arise or exist concerning the accuracy of the plans and sections prepared under these regulations; 

(c)         any other matter relating to the preparation of the plans and sections that he may like to bring to the notice of the manager,

and every entry in the book shall be signed and dated by the surveyor and countersigned and dated by the manager:

Provided that where in any mine two or more surveyors are employed, each of the surveyors shall make the entries aforesaid in respect of the workings in his jurisdiction or of the plans and sections in his charge.

Nothing in sub-regulation (2) shall absolve the owner, agent or manager of his responsibility under the provisions of the Act and under these regulations or orders made thereunder.

Regulation No. 53

Q. किसी mines की working places, mine boundary या disused working या waterlogged area के कितने मीटर के अंदर आ जाने पर surveyor इसका report bound page book मैं रखना चालू कर देगा?


120 meter about 

{waterlogged - 60m  ;  Gas - 30m }

Q. Plan, section or Tracing की accuracy के लिए कौन responsible होगा?



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