52. Duties of lamp room in-charge.

The person in-charge of a safety lamp-room shall- 

(a)         be responsible for ensuring that all lamps in the safety lamp- room including safety lamps are properly maintained as per manufacturers specifications and in accordance with the provisions of these regulations;

(b)        see that the safety lamp-room is kept in a neat and tidy condition, and that all damaged and defective gauges, glasses and other parts of safety lamp are not kept or stored in such room;

(c)         see that fire extinguishers or other means of dealing with fires provided in the safety- lamp rooms are in good condition and readily available for use;

(d)        see that all records required by the regulations for the issue, return and maintenance of safety lamps are properly maintained; 

(e)         see that every person going below ground is provided with a lamp having adequate charge to sustain at least whole of the shift;  

(f)         carry out such other duties relating to the maintenance, issue and return of safety lamps as may be specified by the manager or the assistant manager.


Regulation No. 52

Q. Underground mines के जाने वाले प्रत्येक व्यक्ति का cap lamp कितना चार्ज किया गया हो कि वह shift भर चले, यह कौन insure करेगा?


Lamproom incharge

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