44. Duties of safety officer.–

 (1) The duties of the safety officer shall be- 

 (a) to visit surface and underground parts of the mine with a view to meet the workers on the spot, to talk to them on matters of safety and invite suggestions thereon;

 (b) to take charge of the newly recruited staff and show them around the mine pointing out the safe and unsafe acts during the course of their work in the mine;

 (c) to investigate all types of accidents and incidents in the mine including minor accidents and analyze the same with a view to pinpoint the nature and common causes of accidents in the mine;

 (d) to maintain detailed statistics about mine accidents and to analyze the same with a view to pinpoint the nature and common causes of the accidents in the mine;

 (e) to study and apprise the manager of all possible sources of danger such as inundation, fire, coal dust and others;

 (f) to hold safety classes and give safety talks and lectures to the members of the supervisory staff;

 (g) to organize safety weeks and other safety education and propaganda programs in mine;

 (h) to see that all concerned mine employees are fully conversant with various standing orders (such as those relating to stoppage of mine mechanical ventilators and to the occurrence of a fire or other emergency in the mine), codes of practices and support plan;

 (i) to provide assistance in the formulation of program for training at the mine level, including vocational training, training in gas testing, and training in first aid, etc.;

 (j) to report to the manager as a result of his visits to the various parts of mine, as to whether the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations made thereunder are being complied with in the mine;

 (k) to promote safe practices generally and to lend active support to all measures intended for furthering the cause of safety in the mine and follow up measures for compliance to the recommendations of the Safety Committee and Workman’s Inspectors;

 (l) to assist the manager in any other matter relating to safety in the mine. 

 (2) The safety officer shall ensure that an appropriate emergency plan as required under these regulations is put in place and the requirements of the same are implemented.

 (3) Except in an emergency, no duties other than those specified above shall be assigned to the safety officer. 

 (4) The safety officer shall maintain in a bound paged book a detailed record of the work performed by him every day. 

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