CMR ( REGULATION NO. 40-Duties of person employed in mines) | mines me kaam karne wale vyaktiyon kaa kartavyaa kis regulation se related hai? | mines act 1952 ke kis section ke anusaar rakhe gaye register me prataik employ shift ke shuru or ending me apna naam darj karayega? |biometric attendance / electronic punching kis regulation se related hai? | duty ke dauraan koi fancing paar nhi karega yaa soyegaa nhi, kiss regulation se related hai?|

 40. Duties of person employed in mines.

 (1) Every person shall strictly adhere to the provisions of the Act and of the rules and regulations made thereunder and to any order or direction issued by the manager or an official with a view to the safety or convenience of persons not being inconsistent with the Act, rules and these regulations; nor shall he neglect or refuse to obey such orders or directions.

(2)   No person shall interfere with, impede or obstruct any person in the discharge of his duties, nor shall he offer or render any service, or use any threat, to any other person with a view to preventing him from complying with the provisions of the Act and of the rules and regulations made thereunder or from performing his duties faithfully. 

(3)   Every person shall, immediately before proceeding to work and immediately after terminating work at the end of his shift, have his name recorded in the register maintained under sub-section (4) of section 48 of the Act: 

  Provided that in case of workings belowground, the person shall get his name recorded every time he proceeds belowground or returns to the surface: 

  Provided further that electronic punching or registry system  as approved by the Chief Inspector may also be provided and used for the purpose of identification, marking attendance and recording the name of the person and a hard (printed) copy of such record shall be kept forthwith for the purpose of record in the aforesaid register or in any other format specified by the Chief Inspector. 

(4)   Every person employed in a mine shall-

(a)         take reasonable care for their own safety and health and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts and omissions at work including the proper care and use of protective clothing, facilities and equipment placed at their disposal; 

(b)        report forthwith to an official, any situation which he believes may pose a risk to his safety or health or that of other persons, and which he may not be able to properly deal with himself; and

(c)         co-operate with the employer to permit compliance with the duties and responsibilities placed on the employer. 

(5)   No person shall, except with the authority of an official, remove or pass through any fence, barrier or gate, or remove or pass any danger signal.

(6)   Subject to any directions that may be given by an official, no person shall, except for some justifiable purpose, go into any part of the mine other than that part in which he works, or travels to or from his working place by any roadway other than the proper traveling roadway.

(7)   No person shall sleep while on duty.

(8)   Subject to the provisions of the Act and of these regulations and orders made thereunder, no person shall remain in a mine beyond the period over which his shift extends.

Q. mines me kaam karne wale vyaktiyon kaa kartavyaa kis regulation se related hai?


Reg. 40


Q. mines act 1952 ke kis section ke anusaar rakhe gaye register me prataik employ shift ke shuru or ending me apna naam darj karayega?


Sec. 48 ke sub sec. 4 ke anusaar

 Note: - underground me praitaik baar


Q. biometric attendance / electronic punching kis regulation se related hai?


Regulation 40


Q. duty ke dauraan koi fancing paar nhi karega yaa soyegaa nhi, kiss regulation se related hai?


Regulation 40

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