2. Definitions.- 

(1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, -

 (a) “abandoned working” means such working as have been abandoned with no intention of working in future; 

 (b) “Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM)” means a natural gas recovered from abandoned coal mines or part thereof; 

 (c) “Act” means the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952); 

 (d) “approved safety lamp” and “approved electric torch” mean respectively, a safety lamp or an electric torch, manufactured by such firm and of such type as the Chief Inspector may, from time to time, specify by a general or special order; 

 (e) “assistant manager” means a person possessing a Manager’s Certificate appointed in writing by the owner, agent or manager to assist the manager in the management, control, supervision and direction of the mine or part thereof, and who holds the rank immediately below the manager and superior to an overman and a sirdar;

 (f) “auxiliary fan” means a forcing fan or an exhausting fan used belowground wholly or mainly for ventilating one or more faces forming part of a ventilating district; 

 (g) “average output” of any mine, means the average output per month during the preceding financial year of the total output from all workings within the specified mine boundaries;

 (h) “banksman” means a person appointed to superintend the lowering and raising of persons, tools and materials and to transmit signals at the top of a shaft or incline; 

 (i) “booster fan” means a mechanical ventilator used belowground for boosting the whole current of air passing along the intake or return airway of a mine or ventilating district;

 (j) “coal” includes anthracite, bituminous coal, lignite, peat and any other form of carbonaceous matter sold or marketed as coal;

 (k) “Coal Mine Methane (CMM)” means a natural gas recovered from a coal mine or part thereof;

 (l) “Committee” means a committee appointed under section 12 of the Act;

 (m) “competent person” in relation to any work or any machinery, plant or equipment means a person who has attained the age of twenty years and who has been duly appointed in writing by the manager as a person competent to supervise or perform that work, or to supervise the operation of that machinery, plant or equipment, and who is responsible for the duties assigned to him, and includes a shot firer; 

 (n) “contractor” means an individual, association of individuals, company, firm, local authority or local body who provides for the services or operations in a mine on contract basis, and includes a sub-contractor;

 (o) “deep-hole drilling and blasting” means drill holes more than three meters in depth and used for blasting in an opencast mining operation; 

 (p) “designer” means an individual, association of individuals, company or institution who designs a coal mining system, method of coal mining, machinery, plant, equipment, appliance or substances for use in coal mines; 

 (q) “discontinued working” means such working in a mine as have been discontinued for any reason and are inaccessible or rendered inaccessible but are likely to be worked again; 

 (r) “District Magistrate” in relation to any mine, means the District Magistrate or the Deputy Commissioner, as the case may be, who is vested with the executive powers of maintaining law and order in the revenue district in which the mine is situated: Provided that in the case of a mine, which is situated partly in one district and partly in another, the District Magistrate for the purpose of these regulations shall be the District Magistrate authorized in this behalf by the Central Government;

 (s) “disused working” means such working in a mine where work has been temporarily stopped, but which are accessible and include unused working; (t) “explosive” shall have the same meaning as is assigned to it in the Explosives Act, 1884 (4 of 1884); 

 (u) “face” means the moving front of any working place or the inbye end of any gallery, roadway or drift; 

 (v) “fiery seam” means a seam in which a fire or spontaneous heating exists in the working belowground or in open cast workings lying within the precincts of a mine;

 (w) “financial year” means a period of twelve months from the first day of April to the last day of March of the successive year;

 (x) “flame proof enclosure” shall have the same meaning as defined under the Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010;

 (y) “Form” means a form as may be specified by an order or instruction by the Chief Inspector under these regulations;

 (z) “gas” includes fume or vapour; 

 (za) “gassy seam of the first degree” means a coal seam or part thereof lying within the precincts of a mine not being an open cast working whether or not inflammable gas is actually detected in the general body of the air at any place in its workings below ground, or when the percentage of the inflammable gas, if and when detected, in such general body of air does not exceed 0.1 and the rate of emission of such gas does not exceed one cubic meter per tonne of coal produced; 

 (zb) “gassy seam of the second degree” means a coal seam or part thereof lying within the precincts of a mine not being an open cast working in which the percentage of inflammable gas in the general body of air at any place in the workings of the seam is more than 0.1 or the rate of emission of inflammable gas per tonne of coal produced exceeds one cubic meter but does not exceed ten cubic meters;

 (zc) “gassy seam of the third degree” means a coal seam or part thereof lying within the precincts of a mine not being an open cast working in which the rate of emission of inflammable gas per tonne of coal produced exceeds ten cubic meters; (zd) “general body of air” means the general atmosphere in a coal seam and includes the atmosphere in the roof cavities, but does not include general atmosphere in the sealed off area or in any borehole drilled in coal or in the adjacent strata; 

(ze) “goaf” means any part of workings below ground wherefrom a pillar or part thereof, or in the case of longwall workings, coal has been extracted but which is not a working place; 

 (zf) “haul road” means any passage or road, which is maintained and used in connection with the working of opencast mines for plying of machinery within the precincts of a mine; 

 (zg) “Heavy Earth Moving Machinery (HEMM)” means machinery used in opencast mines for digging, drilling (excluding hand held drills and drill machines capable of drilling hole of a diameter up to 50 mm), dredging, hydraulic king, ripping, dozing, grading, excavating, loading or transporting minerals or overburden; 

 (zh) “incline” means an inclined passage or road either on the surface or belowground; (zi) “intrinsically safe” shall have the same meaning as defined under the Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010; (zj) “inset” means a landing or platform in a shaft, and includes an excavation therefrom between the top and the bottom of the shaft;

 (zk) “machinery” means – 

 (i) any locomotive or any stationary or portable engine, air compressor, boiler or steam apparatus which is, or 

 (ii) any such equipment used for cutting, drilling, loading and transport of material which is, or 

 (iii) any such apparatus, appliance or combination of appliances intended for developing, storing, transmitting, converting or utilizing energy which is, or 

 (iv) any such apparatus, appliance or combination of appliances if any power is developed, stored, transmitted, converted or utilised thereby is, used or intended for use in connection with mining operations; 

 (zl) “manager” means a manager appointed under regulation 27;

 (zm) “manufacturer” means an individual, association of individuals, company or institution who manufactures machinery, plant, equipment, appliance or substances for use in coal mines;

 (zn) “material” includes coal, stone, debris, or any other material;

 (zo) “mine”, for the purpose of chapter IV under these regulations, means all excavations within the mine boundary and all premises, plants, machinery and works as specified in clause (j) of sub section (1) of Section 2 of the Act and the same shall collectively constitute a mine; 

 (zp) “misfire” means the failure to explode of an entire charge of explosives in a shot hole or blast hole; 

 (zq) “month” means a calendar month; 

 (zr) “official” means a person appointed in writing by the owner, agent or manager to perform duties of supervision in a mine or part thereof and includes an assistant manager, a ventilation officer, a safety officer, a sampling incharge, a dust in- charge, an overman, a sirdar, an engineer and a surveyor; 

 (zs) “onsetter” means a person appointed to superintend the raising and lowering of persons, tools and materials and to transmit signals at any inset or shaft bottom;

 (zt) “overman” means a person possessing a Manager’s or Overman’s Certificate, appointed by the manager in writing, under any designation whatsoever, to perform the duties of supervision or control in a mine or part thereof, and is as such superior to a sirdar; 

 (zu) “permitted explosive” means an explosive manufactured by such firm and of such types as the Chief Inspector may, from time to time specify by a general or special order; 

 (zv) “pipeline” means a pipeline laid or being used in a mine for the purpose of pumping or supply of water, sand stowing or filling of material other than sand stowing, nitrogen flushing or for any other purpose including extraction of Coal Mine Methane (CMM), Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM) and other associated pipelines; 

 (zw) “principal official” means the senior-most mine official in mining discipline on duty in the mine; 

 (zx) “public road” means a road maintained for public use and under the jurisdiction of any Government or local authority;

 (zy) “quarter” means a period of three months ending on the 31st March, 30th June, 30th September and 31st December;

 (zz) “railway” means a railway as defined in the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989);

 (zza) “Regional Inspector” means an Inspector of Mines having jurisdiction over a geographical area in which the mine is situated and over which he exercises his powers under the Act;

 (zzb) “river” means any stream or current of water, whether seasonal or perennial, and includes its banks extending up to the highest known flood level;

 (zzc) “risk” means combination of likelihood of a specific unwanted event and its potential consequences;

 (zzd) “roadway” means any part of a passage or gallery below ground which is maintained in connection with the working of a mine;

 (zze) “Schedule” means a Schedule appended to these regulations;

 (zzf) “shaft” means a way or opening leading from the surface to workings below ground or from one part of the workings belowground to another, in which a cage or other means of conveyance can travel freely suspended, with or without the use of guides; 

 (zzg) “shot-firer” means a person so appointed under regulation 190; 

 (zzh) “socket” means a shot hole or blast hole or part thereof remaining after being charged with explosive and blasted, and which is not known to be a misfired hole; 

 (zzi) “supplier” means an individual, association of individuals, company or institution who supplies a technology, machinery, plant, equipment, appliance or substance for use in coal mines;

 (zzj) “tub” includes a wagon, car, truck or any other vehicle moving on rail(s) for conveying materials;

 (zzk) “ventilation district” means such part of a mine belowground as has an independent intake airway commencing from a main intake airway, and an independent return airway terminating at a main return airway, and, in the case of a mine or part thereof which is ventilated by natural means, the whole mine or part; 

 (zzl) “working” means any excavation made or being made in a mine for search of or obtaining coal;

 (zzm) “working place” means any place in a mine to which any person has lawful access.


 (2) Words and expressions used in these regulations and not defined herein but defined in the Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them under the Act.

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