130. Avoidance of dangers.

1.    If at any time it is found by a competent person in charge of a mine or district, that by reason of any cause whatsoever, the mine or district is dangerous, he shall immediately withdraw all persons from the mine or district; and the mine or district shall be fenced off so as to prevent persons inadvertently entering therein.

2.    The competent person shall also immediately inform the manager or assistant manager about the danger, and shall record the fact in the bound paged book kept for the purpose.

3.    The manager shall make, or cause to be made by a competent person, a careful examination of the mine or district; and no person shall, except in so far as is necessary for enquiring into the cause of the danger or for the removal thereof or for exploration, be re-admitted into the mine or district until the mine or district is reported to be safe. 

4.    A report of every such examination under sub-regulation (3) shall be recorded without delay in a bound paged book kept for the purpose and shall be signed and dated by the person who made the examination.

5.    If the work of removing the danger is suspended before the danger is removed, the mine or district shall be securely fenced off effectively to prevent persons entering therein during the period of suspension.

6.    Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations – 

(a)  where the danger arises from the presence of inflammable or noxious gas, the provisions of regulation 166 shall apply; and

(b) where in any part of a mine the appearance of smoke or other sign indicates that a fire or spontaneous heating has or may have broken out, the provisions of regulation 138 shall apply.

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