128. Fencings and gates.


1.    The top of every opencast working shall be kept securely fenced.

2.    Where an excavation which has been formed as a result of any mining operation, extends within a distance of 15 meters from a public road or any building, substantial fencing shall be erected and maintained around the excavation.

3.    Where as a result of mining operations, a subsidence of the surface has taken place or is likely to take place and persons are likely to be endangered thereby, the owner, agent or manager shall keep the entire surface area securely and effectively fenced.

4.    Every entrance to a shaft, staple pit, sump, goaf or other dangerous place shall be provided with an efficient fence, barrier or gate, so designed and constructed as to effectively prevent any person from entering or falling therein.

5.    Where a shaft or staple pit or a gallery having an inclination of more than 30 degrees from the horizontal leads directly into a working place or travelling roadway, such place or roadway and any working place situated on its dip side, shall be securely guarded or otherwise protected as to prevent danger to persons from falling materials.

6.    Every entrance from a roadway into a mine or a part thereof which, for the time being is neither being worked nor being used for any purpose, by reason of any cause whatsoever, shall be provided with  fence, barrier or gate so designed and constructed as to prevent any person from inadvertently entering that part of the mine.

7.    Shafts and opencast workings temporarily or permanently out of use and any place in or about an excavation which is dangerous shall be completely filled in or kept securely fenced:

Provided that if in the opinion of the Regional Inspector, any disused trench, pit or other excavation is dangerous, he may by an order in writing, require the same to be filled in to the level of the adjacent ground.

8.    Before a mine is abandoned or the workings thereof discontinued, the owner, agent or manager shall cause the top or entrance of every shaft, incline or other opening into the mine to be fenced by a structure of a permanent character sufficient effectively to prevent persons falling into or entering the same.

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