125. Withdrawal of supports.

1.    Whenever supports are to be withdrawn, the withdrawal shall be done in such manner as the manager may by orders specify.

2.    The orders referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall cover --                                                                                                                    

(a)  The supply and use of appropriate tools and safety contrivances;

(b) the setting of extra supports to control the collapse of roof from which supports are being withdrawn;

(c)  the sequence of withdrawal of supports; withdrawal of a cog to precede withdrawal of its corner props;

(d) safe positioning of the persons engaged in the operation and all other persons present nearby;

(e)  training of competent persons who are entrusted with the operations; and

(f)   supervision during withdrawal of supports.

3.    In every mine where powered supports are used, it shall be the duty of the owner, agent and manager to prepare a plan for the installation of powered supports and a plan for their withdrawal and transport. 

4.    The plan referred under sub-regulation (3), shall be reviewed and approved, with or without any necessary amendment by the Regional Inspector before implementation.

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