119. Working under railways and roads, etc.

1.    No working shall be made and no work of extraction or reduction of pillars shall be conducted at, or extended to, any point within 45 meters of any railway, or of any public works in respect of which this regulation is applicable by reason of any general or special order of the Central Government, or of any public road or building, or of other permanent structure not belonging to the owner of the mine, without the prior permission in writing of the Chief Inspector and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein.

2.    Every application for permission under sub-regulation (1) shall specify the position of the working of the mine in relation to the railway or public road or works or building or structure concerned, the manner in which it is proposed to carry out the intended operations, and the limits to which it is proposed to carry out the said operations; and shall be accompanied by two copies of a plan showing the existing and the intended mining operations in so far as they affect the railway or public road or works or building or structure concerned.  

3.    Every copy of the application for permission referred to in sub-regulation (2) shall also be sent in the case of a railway, to the railway administration concerned; and in the case of any public works as aforesaid, to such authority as the Central Government may direct by general or special order.

4.    Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, the stability of such railway, road, works, building or structure shall not be endangered until it has been dismantled, diverted or vacated, as the case may be.

5.    Where the stability of such railway, road, works, buildings or structure has been endangered due to any mining operations, the Chief Inspector may, by an order in writing, require the owner to construct in the mine belowground or on the surface such protective works within such time as he may specify in the order.


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