118. multi-section and contiguous working.

1.    No work in a higher seam or section shall be done over an area in a lower seam or section which may collapse.

2.    No working shall be made in more than one section in any seam, nor shall workings be made in any two seams lying within nine meters of each other, without the prior permission in writing of the Chief Inspector and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein.

3.    Every application for permission under sub-regulation (2) shall be accompanied by two copies of a plan showing the proposed layout of the workings, section of the seam or seams, the depth of the seams from the surface, the rate and direction of dip, the proposed dimensions of pillars and galleries in each seam or section, and the thickness of the parting between the seams or sections.

4.    Where two or more such seams or sections are worked in a mine, the pillars in one seam or section shall, as far as practicable, be vertically above or below the pillars in the other seam or section unless the strata are inclined at an angle of more than 30 degrees from the horizontal.

5.    The parting left between any two seams or sections shall not be less than three meters in thickness at any place:

Provided that the Chief Inspector may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, permit or require a smaller or greater thickness of parting, as the case may be.


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