114. Saving.


1.    Nothing in regulation 111 or regulation 112 shall prevent the driving of any gallery through any pillar or the enlargement of any gallery beyond the limits specified by or under these regulations, where in the opinion of the manager such work is necessary for haulage, ventilation, drainage or any other purpose necessary for the proper working of the mine, if fourteen days’ previous notice in writing of the intention to commence such work has been given to the Regional Inspector.

2.    Every notice under sub-regulation (1) shall be accompanied by an offset plan showing details of the operation. 

3.    If in the opinion of the Regional Inspector such work under sub-regulation (1) is likely to endanger the stability of the workings, he may, by an order in writing, require the completion, before commencing such drivage or enlargement, of such protective works as he may specify therein.

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