110. Codes of practice.

1.    The manager of every mine shall, before introducing any machinery or new operation connected with his mine, frame and enforce “code of practice”, not being inconsistent with the Act or these regulations, for each such machinery or operation, as the case may be.

2.    The codes of practice shall be framed with due regard to the type, size and capacity of the machinery or operation in use and prevailing local conditions and a copy of the same shall be submitted to the Regional Inspector, who may at any time, by an order in writing,require such modifications in the codes as he may specify therein:  

Provided that in mines where such machinery are already in use or operations in practice, the said codes of practice shall be framed and enforced within ninety days from the date of coming into force of these regulations.

3.    The codes of practices, inter alia, shall provide for–

(a)         safe operating procedures for the machinery or operation to which it relates to;

(b)        examination and testing of the machinery before first use after erection, installation, reinstallation, modification, alteration, maintenance or repair;

(c)         schedule and nature of examination and testing of the machine, including its sub-assemblies, so as to ensure its safe operation;

(d)        the manner in which the records of examination shall be kept.

4.    The owner, agent or manager of every mine shall hand over copies of such code of practices to concerned officials and persons and ensure effective enforcement thereof.

5.    A copy of the codes of practice framed under sub-regulation (3) shall always be kept in the office of the mine and also at respective places of such operation or machinery.

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