109. Transport rules.

1.    The manager of every mine shall frame and enforce a code of transport rules with due regard to the size and capacity of the transportation machinery in use and prevailing local conditions and a copy of the same shall be submitted to the Regional Inspector, who may, at any time, by an order in writing require such modifications in the transport rules,as he may specify therein:

Provided that in mines where such machinery are already in use, the aforesaid transport rules shall be framed and enforced within ninety days from the date of coming into force of these regulations.

2.    The manager shall hand over copies of the transport rules to all operators, drivers and officials concerned and shall also post such copies at all conspicuous places in the mine in languages comprehensible by the workers.

3.    The Manager and such officials shall each be responsible for securing effective compliance with the provisions of the transport rules, and no mine or part of a mine shall be worked in contravention thereof.

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