108. Spoil-banks and dumps.


1.    While removing overburden, the top soil shall be stacked at a separate place, so that, the same is used to cover the reclaimed area.  

2.    The slope of a spoil bank shall be determined by the natural angle of repose of the material being deposited but, in any case, shall not exceed 37.5 degrees from the horizontal: 

Provided that where in any mine, a steeper slope of spoil bank has been recommended as a result of a scientific study by any scientific agency or institution, having expertise in slope stability, the Regional Inspector may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, permit a steeper slope of the spoil bank.

3.    Loose overburden and other such materials from opencast workings or other rejects from washeries or from other sources shall be dumped in such a manner that there is no possibility of dumped material sliding.

4.    Any spoil bank exceeding 30 meter in height shall be benched so that no bench exceeds 30 meter in height and the overall slope shall not exceed 1 vertical to 1.5 horizontal.

5.    The toe of a spoil-bank shall not be extended to any point within 100m of a mine opening, railway or other public works, public road or building or other permanent structure not belonging to the owner. 

6.    A suitable fence shall be erected between any railway or public works or road or building or structure not belonging to the owner and the toe of an active spoil bank so as to prevent unauthorized persons from approaching the spoil-bank.

7.    No person shall approach or be permitted to approach the toe of an active spoil bank where he may be endangered from material sliding or rolling down the face.

8.    Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent failure of slopes of the spoil banks or dumps.

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