106. Mechanized opencast working.

1.    In all mechanized opencast workings, the precautions specified in sub-regulation (2) to sub-regulation (6) shall be observed.

2.    Before starting a mechanized opencast working, the owner and agent of the mine shall ensure that the mine, including its method of working, ultimate pit slope, dump slope and monitoring of slope stability, has been planned, designed and worked as determined by a scientific study and a copy of the report of such study has been kept available in the office of the mine:

Provided that in case of mines where such a study has not been made, it shall be the responsibility of the owner and agent to get the said study made within one year from the date of coming into force of these regulations. 

3.    The owner, agent and manager of every mechanized opencast mines shall ensure that the recommendations made in the report of scientific study referred to in sub-regulation (2) are complied with.      

4.    The height of the benches in overburden consisting of alluvial soil, morum, gravel, clay, debris or other similar ground shall not exceed 3 meters and the width thereof shall not be less than three times the height of the bench.

5.    The height of benches in coal and overburden of rock formation other than that mentioned in sub regulation (4) shall not be more than the digging height or reach of the excavation machine in use for digging, excavation or removal, and the width thereof shall not be less than –

(a)  the width of the widest machine plying on the bench plus two meters; or

(b)   if dumpers ply on the bench, three times the width of the dumper; or

(c)  the height of the bench, whichever is more.

6.    Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-regulations (2), (4) and (5), the Chief Inspector may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, require or permit the height and width of benches in variance with aforesaid. 

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