105. Manual opencast working.

      In manual opencast workings, the following precautions shall be observed, namely: -

1.    In alluvial soil, morum, gravel, clay, debris or other similar ground, -

(a)         the sides shall be sloped at an angle of safety not exceeding 45 degrees from the horizontal or such other angle as the Regional Inspector may permit by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein; or

(b)        the sides shall be kept benched and the height of any bench shall not exceed 1.5 meters and the breadth thereof shall not be less than the height:

Provided that the Regional Inspector may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, exempt from the operation of this clause in any working in the case of which special difficulties exist, which, in his opinion, make compliance with the provisions thereof not reasonably practicable.

2.    Where any pillar is left ‘in situ’ for the purpose of measurement, its height shall not exceed 2.5 meters; and where the height of such pillar exceeds 1.25 meters, the base of the pillar shall not be less than 1.5 meters in diameter.

3.    In coal, the sides shall either be kept sloped at an angle of safety not exceeding 45 degree from the horizontal, or the sides shall be kept benched and the height of any bench shall not exceed three meters and the breadth thereof shall not be less than the height:

Provided that the Chief Inspector may, by an order in writing and subject to such conditions as he may specify therein, exempt, from the operations of this sub-regulation, any working, in the case of which special difficulties exist which in his opinion make compliance with the provisions thereof not reasonably practicable.

4.    In an excavation in any hard and compact ground or in prospecting trenches or pits, the sides shall be adequately benched, sloped or secured so as to prevent danger from fall of sides: 

        Provided that the height of the bench shall not exceed six meters. 

5.    No tree, loose stone or debris shall be allowed to remain within a distance of three meters from the edge or side of the excavation.

6.    No person shall undercut any face or side or cause or permit such undercutting as to cause any overhanging.

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