102. Movement of wagons.


1.    The movement of railway wagons shall be carried on under the supervision of a competent person.

2.    Before wagons are moved, persons likely to be endangered shall be warned by the competent person appointed under sub-regulation (1).

3.    No person shall move or attempt to move a wagon by pushing at the buffer, or by pulling from in front.

4.    Where two or more wagons are moved simultaneously, the wagons shall be coupled together which shall be moved only by pushing from the sides or from behind the last wagon:

Provided that the number of such wagons shall not exceed the number, which can be effectively controlled.  

5.    No locomotive or wagon shall be moved when the natural light is insufficient, unless the approaching end is distinguished by a suitable light or is accompanied by a person carrying a lamp.

6.    No person, other than the competent person referred to in sub-regulation (1), shall pass immediately in front of wagons moving under bins or screens, nor between moving wagons and the understructure of the bins or screens.

7.    No person shall be upon the buffer of a locomotive or wagon in motion unless there is a secure hand-hold, or stand thereon and unless there is also a secure footplate. 

8.    No person shall pass over the coupling between any two wagons while the wagons are moving.

9.    No person shall cross a line of rails by crawling or passing underneath a train or wagon, nor shall a person sit or sleep underneath a wagon.

10. Wherever railway wagons are specially placed so as to afford a thoroughfare, such thoroughfare shall be not less than five meters in width.

11. No material shall be placed or dumped within 1.2 meters from either side of a track of rails.

12. All space between the rails at switches and crossings in which the foot of a person is liable to be caught shall be kept filled with concrete, tar, asphalt, or wooden blocks.

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