10. Board of Mining Examination.

1.    For the purpose of these regulations, there shall be constituted a Board of Mining Examination (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Board’).

2.    The Board shall consist of the Chief Inspector, who shall be its Chairman (ex officio), and five members possessing degree in mining engineering; with

(a)         first class Manager’s Certificate granted under regulation 11; or

(b)        practical experience of not less than two years in management, control, supervision and direction of a coal mine or part thereof; or

(c)         service in an institution imparting education in mining engineering at the degree or equivalent level; or

(d)        engagement in mining research or planning, to be appointed by the Central Government:

Provided that the Board shall be so constituted that it shall include at least three members possessing qualifications laid down in clauses (a) and (b) and at least one member possessing qualifications laid down either in clause (c) or in clause (d).

3.    Every member of the Board other than its Chairman shall hold office for a period of three years from the date of appointment, or until his successor is appointed, whichever is later: Provided that, –

(i)      a member may at any time resign his office by a notice in writing addressed to the Chairman;

(ii)    a member appointed under clause (c) of sub-regulation (2) shall cease to hold office upon his ceasing to serve in any such institution, as is referred to in that clause;

(iii)   a person appointed to fill a vacancy caused by reason of the death, resignation, or by reason of cessation of office under sub-clause (ii) or otherwise, shall hold office for the remaining period for which such member would have, but for such reason, continued as member.

4.    A person who holds, or who has held, office as member of the Board shall, subject to the other provisions of this regulation, be eligible for re-appointment to that office.

5.    A member of the Board other than the Chairman shall receive such remuneration as the Central Government may fix.

6.    An Inspector nominated in this behalf by the Chief Inspector shall act as the Secretary to the Board (hereinafter referred to in these regulations as the Secretary).

7.    Notwithstanding anything contained in this regulation, the Central Government may, if satisfied that it is necessary to do so in the public interest, re-constitute the Board even though the term of office of all or any of the members thereof has not come to an end.

8.    Meetings of the Board shall be held as and when the Chairman considers them necessary, and unless otherwise decided by the Chairman, all meetings of the Board shall be held at Dhanbad.


(a)    For every meeting of the Board, not less than ten clear days prior notice intimating the time and place of the proposed meeting and signed by the Chairman or the Secretary shall be given to each member who is not absent from India.

(b)    Such notice shall be delivered at, or posted to the usual place of residence of the member, and each such notice shall be accompanied by a list of items of business to be disposed off at that meeting.

(c)    Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (a) and (b), in cases of urgency, an emergent meeting may be called for by the Chairman at any time by intimating the members, only two days in advance, of the time and date of such meeting and the subject matter for discussion at such meeting.


(a)    The Chairman shall preside at every meeting of the Board.

(b)    If the Chairman is absent for any reason, members present shall elect one from among themselves to preside over the meeting; and the member so elected shall, for the purposes of that meeting, have all powers of the Chairman.

11. No business shall be transacted at a meeting of the Board unless at least three members, including the Chairman, are present:

Provided that if at any meeting there is no quorum as aforesaid, the meeting shall automatically stand adjourned to a date which is seven days later or if that day is a public holiday to the next working day and the time, place and agenda for the adjourned meeting shall remain unchanged, and it shall thereupon be lawful to dispose off the business at such meeting, irrespective of the number of members attending.


(a)    All matters which the Board is required to consider shall be considered at its meeting, or if the Chairman so decides, by circulation of the papers, to every member who is not absent from India.

(b)    When any matter is referred to by circulation of paper under clause (a), any member may request that it should be considered at a meeting of the Board, and the Chairman may direct that it shall be so considered but when two or more members so request, the Chairman shall direct that the matter shall be so considered at a meeting to be held.


(a)    The Secretary shall place before the Board a list of business to be transacted at the meeting.

(b)    No business which is not included in such list shall be considered unless the Chairman permits.


(a)    Every matter at a meeting shall be decided by the majority of votes of the members present at such meeting.

(b)    Every matter referred to the members by circulation under sub-regulation (12) shall be decided by the majority opinion of the members to whom the papers were circulated, unless the Chairman reserves it for consideration at a regular meeting to be held later. 

(c)    In case of equal division of votes or opinions of the members, the Chairman shall have a casting vote or opinion.


(a)    The Secretary shall record the minutes of each meeting in a bound-paged book kept for the purpose and copies of such minutes of meeting shall be circulated to all members present in India.

(b)    The minutes so recorded shall be confirmed at the next meeting of the Board and signed by the Chairman in token thereof.


(a)    The Chairman, in addition to any other power and duties conferred upon him under these regulations, shall-

(i)          present all important papers and matters to the Board as early as possible;

(ii)        issue orders for carrying out the decisions of the Board;

(iii)       have power to refer, in his discretion, any matter to the Central Government for their orders; and

(iv)       have powers generally to take such action or pass such orders necessary to implement the decisions of the Board.

(b)    The Chairman may, during his temporary absence by reason of leave or otherwise, authorize any member of the Board to perform all or any of duties of the Chairman during such absence. 

(c)    Unless the Chairman otherwise directs, all proceedings of the Board shall be conducted in camera and be regarded as confidential. 

Q. regulation no. 10 ke anusaar DGMS me mining kaa exam lene wale yaa mining certificate issue karne wale board ka kya naam hai?


Board of Mining Examination

Head Quarter – Dhanbad

Q. board of mining examination me kitne member hote hai?


·     Chairman-1

·     Member-5

·     Total = 6

Q. Board of mining examination kaa chairman kon hota hai?



Q. board of mining exam me secretory ko nominate kon karta hai?



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